I was often accused of being a bot on Reddit. Not sure really why. Though to be fair, the majority of my interactions on Reddit were arguing with people that thought they knew more than I did about a field I’ve worked in for 20+ years.
Just… be careful with being smug about being newer to the field. There’s plenty of shit that no longer applies, but just as much that still does.
For every brand new way of doing things there are multiple pieces of software, hardware, and programming libraries that are just repeated iterations on the original carrying forward the oddities from the past. I’ve lost track of how many times the solution to why something wasn’t working as expected couldn’t be found in the current documentation, but was instead a strange limitation or edge case of the tech it was built on top of, revealed by one of the greybeards on my team having come across it before.
Not how much experience you claim to have.
Experience is worth a lot. Even idiots with a lot of experience can be very good at something. Smarter people need less experience to be good at something - but they still need it. As for changing technology - IT changes but the principles remain the same. Plus there’s a lot of soft skills that never change. Being able to talk to people, manage expectations, guide clients in the right directions, etc… That’s worth a lot more in the long term than being up to date with every new tool or framework.
My manager’s manager and I were having a heated debate about why we need documentation in the company (it was a major reason for delays in my team) and he pulled this BS on me: “I’ve been doing this job for 10 years, documentation goes stale.”
Yeah and so does bread. Should that mean we should never bake bread? (obviously a joke, but really, so fucking what if it goes stale and we have to spend an hour a week keeping it up to date? Literally the entire team wants high level docs and he just keeps saying jUsT wRiTe gO0D CoDe or JuST rEAd tHe c0De)
To be fair to the other side, it’s entirely possible (and even common) to have worked in a field for 20 years while learning completely incorrect things about it. Or learning nothing.
People say things like “I’ve used a computer every day for 20 years, I think I know how it works” and then ask if they should “reboot the hard drive” and then they power cycle the monitor.
You can also form very strong opinions early in your career and not know when they’re now invalid due to changes in tech/industry.
Was getting a quote for a new heat pump and had the guy tell me they were worthless if it got too cold. There have been consumer heat pumps that work down to -15°C with very little efficiency loss for well over a decade at this point. He had just been used to them not being worth it for long enough that he “didn’t believe it”.
I would get accused on being a bot when talking about specific topics. For example Ukraine war or some Chinese topic. I wonder if it’s bots calling other people bots. Muddy the waters.
Astroturfing is rampant and is only going to get worse from here on out. Don’t trust anything you read
Hexadecimal is an easier transition from life as a human to life as a bot. 48657861646563696D616C20697320616E20656173696572207472616E736974696F6E2066726F6D206C69666520617320612068756D616E20746F206C696665206173206120626F742E
are you neurodivergent or is english a foreign language? for some reason those folks tend to get labeled as bots.
Does it SEEM like I’m neurodivergent (wtf is that anyway, why does everything need a fancy label?), or that English is a second language?
Neurodivergent means anyone with a medical condition that could be seen as brain pathways either being disrupted, or gone, or rerouted. A few examples would be AD(H)D, Autism Spectrum Disorder (Including things such as Asperger’s), and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Edit: Changed Autism to ASD, and switched out Schizophrenia to OCD as it’s more apt for the term as a whole.
Not the person you replied to, but I was told I sounded like an anime character. Either i am getting old for reddit, or I spent too much time on academia. I mean, the topic was about politics how else am I going to speak?!
I worked in the video game industry for over a decade and let me tell you there is nothing more infuriating than arguing with a clueless gamer who thinks everything can be solved in a few minutes with overly naive solutions. Bonus points for trying to “educate” me on my own specialization like “net code”. Why do I even bother.
I was accused too. Till they saw my 11+ years of old comments, then they thought I was a sold account.
I don’t know if it’s scary or stupid.
I know several humans and none of them are FontMasterFlex. They must be a bot.