Bolstered by a momentous ICJ ruling, Palestinians, including Americans, gave three hours of testimony against the Biden administration.
Lawyers involved with the lawsuit playing out in federal court said that the ICJ ruling bolsters their case. Their lawsuit argues that Biden, Blinken, and Austin are liable under U.S. law for failing to uphold their obligation to prevent genocide in Gaza.
Barry Trachtenberg, a professor of Jewish history and author of two books about the Holocaust, testified as an expert witness in the case – over repeated objections from Justice Department attorneys. When he filed his declaration in the case in November, he said, some 11,000 Palestinians had been killed. Today, that number is far greater.
“Everything that we feared and more is unfolding,” he said, noting that often, legal actions about genocide happen long after the fact. “What makes this situation so unique is that we’re watching the genocide unfold as we speak. And we’re in this incredibly unique position where we can actually intervene to stop it using the mechanisms of international law that are available to us.”
Every time someone tells you how little power a president has to realize his political objectives I want you to think about how eager, steadfast, and unilateral Biden has been in assisting a foreign country in the waging of a genocidal war. Then imagine he put that kind of political will behind literally anything positive.
It’s not just any foreign country. It’s Israel. There’s a shit ton of policy, diplomacy, geographic interests, and money involved. There is literally no president in recent history that would act much differently. The majority of Congress is on board with this.
If the majority of congress is on board, then why repeatedly circumvent them and put himself as the sole person responsible for these wildly unpopular actions during his reelection campaign?
Because he represents the country?
Spending is controlled by Congress. Foreign policy is largely handled by the President, though spending and authorization of the use of force has to be approved by congress.
Also if he’s using it in his campaign why do you think it’s unpopular? Do you believe they don’t do polling?
You may be in one of those internet information silos and not have a good understanding of what’s happening. Hamas committed genocide. People are against genocide. A lot of people are attempting to “both sides” this and claim “uhhh… Israel genocide too” but that’s insane and only makes the Pro-Palestine movement look like lunatics. People cosplay as Hamas members at Palestine marches, literally cosplaying as people that committed genocide. Again, looks like lunatics. Attacks on synagogues, and jewish businesses. The dog whistles “from the river to the sea.” sound an awful lot like blood and soil. Trying to discredit a democracy. Violent movent, misogynistic and homophobic leadership, anti-democracy, genocide… looks an awful lot like a fascist movement.
The best argument in support of Israel is a five minute conversation with a pro-palestine activist. There’s too much hatred in that movement, and given the inability of that movement to separate itself from Hamas, it seems Hamas is the source of all of this hatred on display is the group Israel is currently fighting against. Send them the needed weapons to eliminate the blight on humanity that is Hamas.
Once it’s done the children on the internet claiming to be socialists while supporting a fascist organization lead by billionaires in Qatar and a genocidal maniac in an underground lair in what’s left of Gaza will soon forget and move on to the next thing their hormones have them outraged over. The tankie socialist kids don’t vote anyway, (or if they do it’s for some bullshit third party) so why bother trying to please people whose heads are so full of ideological bullshit and propaganda originating from Iran they are completely incapable of even seeing what they look like to people outside of their information silo?
I’m not American, but I’m kind of starting to hope Biden doesn’t win. Just so that these foolish people get what they deserve. The level of stupidity is pouring out right now is just astonishing.
Hey, “stupid” person here. I’m 100% fine with literally whatever you want to call me. But we were very clear during the 2020 primaries we didn’t want Biden and we reluctantly voted for him in the 2020 general to give him a chance. We made it as clear as possible to him and everyone around us that he was on thin ice.
So, sure, call us stupid or whatever. But how stupid do you all have to believe we were bluffing twice?
Vote A he will save you from B is not working. Because when A ignore you completely that mean both A and B are bad and voting for A is only going to help A groups not you. A is killing you family and B is killing your family so why you care to vote for A if the end result is the same.
Let A and B decide among themselves what they want, and take your energy and voice to better places instead of aiding one against the other.
It’s weird to me that it’s so unclear what the president actually can and can’t do. Before Trump took his presidential powers for a test drive everyone said it was impossible for a president to do those things. It seems like Biden has found out how to bypass Congress too, but not for the noble purposes we were hoping for.
If Trump’s presidency was good for anything, it was good for giving us innumerable examples of why it’s so dumb to pretend that Democrats were powerless when they had Congress and the presidency for two years.
Well there was lots of times Trump was stopped, too. His Muslim ban was struck down by courts, his wall or trying tk destroy health care would sometimes be slowed in Congress, or his administration would try to slow down his insane impulses. That’s a large part of why they have that new plan to basically replace a ton of the bureaucrats with us men instead of law abiding citizens.