oh, you were looking for the lmao conversations room? you missed the turn: it’s the last door inside clown school. you’re not even in the right building atm!
hey you’re the creepy guy who reads comment history before replying to a conversation aren’t you ?
I thought the point of posting your ideas on a public forum was to have people read them.
nah, there’s nothing creepier than giving some shithead the common courtesy of checking their post history to see if they’re somehow like this all the time or if they’re just having a particularly bad night
gonna be honest, I didn’t give this one that common courtesy cause once they get to the stage where they creepjacket other posters for looking at their previous terrible posts, whatever Reddit has done to their brain is severe and irreversible
this isn’t Oprah Ft Holographic Dr Phil, stop projecting
I merely looked after you went 3 for 3 on idiotic posts