Don’t agree. I’m not Christian, but I would replace Jesus with Steve Jobs. Or just the apple logo.
Jobs is a bit too dated a reference. I’d probably replace what’s his face on the top left with someone more relevant, though (or Apple as you suggest, they are indeed annoying).
where is the linux penguin
Isn’t this just a circle?
Surely you could do this with different fanbases
It’s the same fanbase
Do you think Elon bros love Jesus? It doesn’t strike me that way personally.
A lot of Christians don’t seem to like Jesus ethier. They just like the brand.
I think a lot of conservative “Christians” think that if they pretend like they are following the way of Christ according to their bastardized version where they hate queer people, that they’ll somehow be able to declare themselves right and be able to stay the mean shits that they are. When in reality Jesus would not approve of their behaviour at all.
Edited to add: I actually practice Christianity and go to a very progressive church. I love queer people, I think conservatives are a cancer on society, and I believe in birth control and abortion rights like I invented them. I am not wild about Jesus or the Bible, and I mostly attend because I believe in a God and I think attending a community space where we want to be better humans together in a happy and life giving way is a vital part of life. I do not in any way expect people to believe what I do and I welcome most points of view, conservative trash and Nazis excluded. I have sort of a gnostic view I guess where I think intelligence and the ability to act accordingly is what saves you as a human.
But everything conservatives are doing religiously to me is utter self serving rotten trash.
Same for the rest too.
They like trump because he’s a great “business man”. Yet he’s not.
They like kid rock because he’s a ‘country rock rebel.’ Nahh he’s just old and stale.
They like elon because he is a ‘genius.’ LOL no.
They just vibing and can’t be bothered to actually give a shit.
It’s funny, but there’s never a situation where these four should be in the same picture. You’re implying that following these guys is following Jesus, or at least that’s how it’ll be portrayed when it’s convenient.