Cuz I wanna know if I need to create and finish a bucket list if that’s the case lmao.
Nothing ever happens
-me, feb 2022, days prior to obliterating my predictive credibility with my partner
Ukraine? I was in discord talking to a Russian friend when it popped off and both of us were certain it wasn’t gonna happen lol
Tbh days was being generous to me, the day of I was so secure that they were lies about Russian buildup and they were just exercises and that it wasn’t going to be anything. And then I was wrong 😢
All I’m saying is we better hope those aliens in the ocean are real, lmao
Yes, and I’m tired of pretending we’re not.
nuke war no. H1N1 pandemic yes
New hope just dropped:
Second pandemic distracts the West enough to pull out of their wars.
if it does what it potentially could do it would take us from the brink
i have two frightening predictions about modern humanity “lucking” out from shit
pandemics used as social shocks to slow tragjectories towards political self destruction
and a limited nuclear war essentially forcing us to do something about climate change
COVID was/is just a taste. the other thing hasn’t happened yet.
i hope im wrong. until we get socialism these are the only things that will stir humanity and basically be a large scale sacrifice to prevent total extinction