the only state that grows coffee is hawaii and their coffee is already more expensive than anything you’ll find on the shelf now
Still 2 to 4x the cost of beans from other countries, more than the tariffs.
The high price is from high labor costs. So, once tarrifs happen, it’ll be competitive, no?
I make coffee at home, I don’t import it.
Not like you millennials with your fancy frappy cappy whatever.
That’s why you can’t afford a house.
MAGA forgets what happened when someone fucked with our Tea supply. And we don’t even (as a country) like tea all that much.
Just buy the American grown coffee beans /s/
I remember one of the presidents asking why, when everything is supposed to be made in u.s.a. they buy Columbian coffee and not U.S. coffee and he was told it’s too expensive for the president.