Kickin’ in the front seat or sittin’ in the back seat: which is it today folks?
Workwise, it should be ok today, then - rain permitting - I have a bat monitoring session this evening. That might be pushed to next weekend though (I’d get to watch the Perseids at the same time, if it was, by the look of it).
And then out to an open air production of A Winter’s Tale tomorrow night - also rain permitting and the forecast is currently saying it won’t.
What have you got lined up?
For the first time since I became a parent, I’m looking forward to a night without children (my eldest is 5). My partner is taking them away with her parents. Friday through Sunday.
I love them all to pieces…but I can’t wait.
What are the chances one of them gives you a terrible cold before leaving? 😬
For the first weekend since the end of lockdown I have absolutely zero plans which to me translates as: weekend with my nose in a book, ordering take out.
What you gonna be reading? I’ve been weaning myself off audible and sat down for half an hour last night to read a physical copy of The Forever War and next thing it was quarter to one in the morning and I’d finished it!
Forever War is fantastic - there’s a sequel too which is equally good.
I’m just finishing a re-read of Far Side Of The World so will be starting Children of Memory which is 3rd in a series and then if I happen to finish that then the new one by SJ Parris, Alchemy.
Had no idea there was a sequel! Brilliant.
I really need to try and give Children of Time another go. Tried the audiobook but couldn’t get into it.
Holiday today! Not getting picked up to go to the airport until this afternoon though so I have a couple of things to finish off first (mostly work stuff, but also epilating my legs ugh).
I’m excited, but we’re taking less bags than usual to save faff on the plane so fitting in everything I want to take has been tricky to say the least. In fact it’s been impossible and I probably need to have a last minute rethink! Currently still half asleep though so first task is a cuppa and putting all the various entertainment devices on for a full charge.
Got all the albums from yesterday’s thread downloaded and I’m looking forward to checking some of them out on the interminable car ride this afternoon!
Also, if my other half happens to be reading this comment look away now…I mean it…ok right…last night I had a bit of a scare and thought I’d lost my wedding ring. We only got married in April so there’d have been hell on. But I found it down the side of the couch along with a disturbing amount of fluff, some hairclips and a couple of ringpulls. So it’s all good.
Not getting picked up to go to the airport until this afternoon though
But…but what about the traditional 8am morning airport pint?
They always say that you should stack up everything that you think you’ll need and then put half of it back in the wardrobe. The problem is working out which half, of course.
Hope it all goes well anyway and that you have a good time.
Building a deck! Posts and frame went in last night. Today it’s joists and deck boards. So naturally I have to get down to Wickes to buy some bits and bobs I forgot.
It’s always the bits and bobs that get you!
Good luck and we’d love to see some pics when it’s up!
Not quite finished.
About 20 screws short, plus at least one more deck board needed for the edge due to my wonky maths. Might add a step to that near side - the garden has more of a slope that I realised! However, the whole garden is very much a work in progress. We moved in last September and it was an overgrown nightmare of dead trees and rocks. Just the other week we had filled a skip with 5 tons of rocks, slabs and concrete from this area.
Edit - the before photo. I think this might have been from the viewing which was 6 months before we moved. When we got here it was much more overgrown
Impressive stuff! What a difference from the before picture, absolutely smashed it oot the park bud, on yerself!
Just got a new solar battery installed, so I’m going to spend some time poking it and making sure it’s working. COME ON SUNSHINE!