My attitude towards myself is like theirs towards dead swine in one crucial aspect: ideally uncastrated.
I have so many questions. But I’m not sure I want to know the answers.
According to the article linked in another comment, it’s this;
When the boar is in heat (thought they were always in heat) the meat ends up having a smell of ridiculously gross armpits and shit.
It’s only noticeable when the meat is warm, meaning you could get away with selling it refrigerated - until someone cooks it.
The worry is that people will simply stop buying pig flesh if enough of it is “tainted”, and so you need a worker that smell controls the flesh to ensure that the it can be sold.
Cheers on the read. The bit on oil and hazardous waste was enlightening. Corporate America really will try to weasel out of anything huh
Does this method work? Have you tried it? What is a criminal pork? What if I prefer ham to chops? What’s the name of the book?
Asking about criminal pork is a criminal act. The authorities have been notified.
Sage counsel