I know not everyone of us has a special talent, but many of us do. Some are just incredible. So, what are they??
Edit: Please don’t be humble. Let it out. Be proud of it and share so we can marvel.
The book “Collaborative Intelligence” is on the 3 most-common of the 4 innate-mind-languages we think in.
- Visual-thinking
- Auditory-thinking
- Kinesthetic-thinking
It totally ignores the 4th.
- Implication-Pattern-thinking/Abstract-Thoughtshape-thinking
which, from what I’ve read, is possibly more than 50% of the physicists people.
I think in abstract-shapes, which means that instead of seeing the appearances of something, I need to see how it works, before I can then abstract-out its thoughtshape, which is what my mind holds onto.
I’ve no internal-visual, which is falsely-labeled “aphantasia” ( no-imagination ) by psychology.
I’ve plenty of imagination, but it works within the mind-function that I have, not in some mind-function I don’t have.
This difference allows me to “see through” appearances to more fundamental/underlying reality, much more easily than more-conventional minds do.
As Temple Grandin’s TED talk on kinds of minds pointed-out, however, I’m mindblind to many things that the more-common mind-functions catch:
She wouldn’t have put the emergency-generators at Fukushima at the bottom of a pit, beside a tsunami-infested sea, because she would have seen them flood ( she thinks in movies ).
I wouldn’t ever have noticed any potential problem, because I’d have been “looking at” the function withing each generator, & feeling the beneficial-protection of having them not easily attackable, or something.
You NEED to have all-4 innate-mind-languages working on any product/service that you’re going to release, as each has its own mind-blindnesses.
Don’t leave any 1 of 'em out!
But being of the least-common ( & ignored by much/all of the psychology profession/industry ), is a kind of superpower, when their prejudice isn’t grinding on one’s validity, fersure.
: P
I can wing cooking something. Essentially I riff out a dish without a recipe and limited pantry. This also means I can make good tasting food even if it doesn’t look amazing.
It’s at least amazing to my mom haha. She is always like ‘I don’t get how you come up with sfuff’ when I slap something together. I didn’t think it was a big deal but my mom can’t cook without a recipe and my brother can’t cook for anything.
I am insanely good at word bomb
a game where it gives you some letters and you have to use them (in order) to make a word within the time limit, the prompts get harder over time until there is only one person remaining
example 1:
- it gives prompt ‘and’
- you could give it: ‘and’ or ‘land’ or ‘random’ etc.
example 2:
- it gives prompt ‘ngl’
- you could give it ‘angle’ or ‘tangle’ or ‘anglerfish’
@BackOnMyBS ruining my life
@BackOnMyBS For me it’s systematic avoidant behavior. I try to avoid risks so hard it is slowly ruining it 😄
@BackOnMyBS I tried being a risk taking hedonist type person and masking as hard as possible but I just didn’t enjoy it and I ended up around people with no respect for the safety of others. They were willing to overlook emotional peculiarities like autism as a result of the same attitude which led to being around legit criminal psychopaths haha