The one comment I’d make is that Toronto and Vancouver are major Canadian cities, while Manitoba is a province. It’s corresponding major city is Winnipeg, which is the name I’d expect of a ship of the same class. But while I most people around the world have probably heard of Toronto and Vancouver, Winnipeg is probably less familiar a name outside Canada. At this point I’m expecting every little mention to pay off in the finale, so perhaps we’ll find out then.
I think I should choose my words more carefully now that you say that. There is a difference between fault and responsibility, and it’s really more a matter of taking responsibility for things that are your responsibility.
So let’s say I leave home in a reasonable time to meet someone. However there are a series of car crashes on the way that cause traffic to back up. The accidents did not yet occur when I left my home, so I could not have accounted for them. My lateness is not my fault, because I did not cause the situation nor could I change or avoid it, but it is my responsibility to my (friend, date, boss, whoever) to call them and let them know my new estimated time of arrival. If I don’t try to let them know, they have every right to be angry with my for showing up an hour late, even though the lateness is not caused by my action or inaction.
Excuses are “this is why I’m not at fault” and places the blame on someone or something else (including a circumstance). A reason is “this is why it happened” without trying to self-justify. A lot times reasons come across as excuses because the person has not taken responsibility for what they’ve done.
If a reason doesn’t come with ownership of fault, it’s an excuse.
Edit: see comment below about fault and responsibility
What I’d love is if her brother showed up with her too. (I love the rel-life connections.)
The thing that I can’t understand about this product is why they didn’t cover the function keys. They are literally functional.
Don’t take it personally, applying for a job is a game of chance as much as a game of merits. It’s simply a numbers game and luck whether your resume even gets looked at in the first place, even if you’re résumé how all their keywords. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of other resumes also hit their keywords.
If you’re lucky enough to get through the first sifting and get an interview with the hiring person (not an HR screener who doesn’t know anything about the job), then you can ask and maybe get a response on how you could have improved. (Don’t ask why you weren’t hired.)