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Bolton is an idiot.

Ok, and he still represents the warhawk/neocon type of thought in Washington.

How stupid you think he is doesn’t really change how Trump already had his mind made up on leaving NATO. I’m no fan of NATO, I think it will collapse eventually. Trump just further cracked an already strained relationship.

I’m right. I’m just not far right and we have few politicians who are. Most of them have little to no power anyways.

Seems like Gaetz just got your speak of house pruned didn’t he?

Its not like you have to be particularly far right to support Russia/ oppose arming Ukraine. " centrists " and Warhawks aside there isint too many vocal right wing voices supporting Ukraine.

Putin also didn’t realize how bad his army was and how effective the javelin is or how hard the Ukrainians would fight.

That situation would have been very different if Trump was in charge of the U.S.A when Russia rolled across the border.

He would have cut a deal with Russia at the expense of Ukranian territory like he did in Syria cutting a deal with Turkey.

The Russian’s nearly captured Mykolaiv. Had the Ukranian’s not received continued stinger and Jav support + other early equipment the situation could have been different. I don’t like playing the alternative history game but I disagree with your assessment of Trump fully.

He would not have played his cards like the Biden admin did.


Depends on how you see it. Last time U.N. peacekeepers were in Haiti it was a complete disaster. They were caught running child sex trafficking rings.

It was in fact, so prolific there is an entire wiki dedicated to it.


On the other hand, without some sort of outside intervention or help the status quo in Haiti will remain. I don’t really think any of it is " good " so to speak but I struggle to imagine another U.N. mission will bring about fruitful results for anyone involved.


The mental gymnastics conservatives are going to do when Florida is finally submerged will be powerful enough to power all remaining homesteads in the United States.


Netanyahu said:" Those Who Attacked Israel Will Remember Israel’s Military Response For ‘Generations’ "

We are going to see some horrific war crimes in the weeks to come. And all of our countries are backing them up. Whole thing is fucked.


They had warnings an attack was coming. They probably thought it would be pretty insignificant though rather then a proper offensive.

Theres some other good discussion of this already in this thread, to reiterate what others have said, its not unthinkable to belive that the government may have ignored those who warned of this, assuming they could politicize a minor attack, only to be caught completely off gaurd when a complex, multi pronged offensive appeared.

There’s a big difference between 9/11 and the WTC parking lot bombings. When warned of terror attacks in early 2000’s, America was probably thinking of the former rather then latter.


If you read the wiki it details that police and soldiers took part in the abuse alike. Of course this doesn’t happen with every U.N. deployment, but the bad blood and amnesty towards peacekeepers will not be easily forgotten by the locals.

The courts are probably saving everyone some trouble here.


Yeah. To be honest most liberal and social democrat governments are playing right into the hands of the right wing too.

Too afraid to crack down on the far right, but still too conservative to commit to large public spending on housing and sustainable infrastructure. Or in Germany’s case, nuclear energy.

I have hope for those organzing outside of electoralism, those organzing within it in the West are in for another rude wake up call soon. They keep ignoring them.

Westerners are not more tolerant or intolerant then any other people on earth, we generally just have higher standards of living as a result of economic and military hegemony. As that continues to decline for more and more previously " wealthy " people the fascist radiclization will get worse in the West.

We need new ways of living and bold ideas. The far right nor neoliberals can offer that to people. Liberals will tolerate dissidents but they will never take meaningful action on the issiues of class, the military industrial complex or encomcis for the most part. It needs to change from the outside in.


Even if the Isreali’s completely level Gaza they will then have to fight a Stalingrad-esque campaign of fighting militants and remaining commandos in the remains of the city. Not to mention whatever tunnels survived the raids.

No matter how you cut it, thousands will die on their side if they push. They don’t really seem to have a choice to back down now, but even if somehow they keep their casualties limited in Gaza, now the entire northern front has opened up with Hezb and other milita entering the frey. Its really a trap you can’t win.


Urban fighting is pure nightmare fuel for all parties.

It’d probably be safer for the civilians, to open up refugee camps outside of the contested area, allow inspected movement,

That was never really on the table in Palestine. And especially less so now that there’s 1200 dead Isreali’s. They are not crossing into any lands held by the IDF without becoming prisoners.

The Egyptians have also refused to keep the border crossing open so fleeing to Egypt isn’t an option either.

The pogroms have already started in response. There’s nothing or noone that can stop this fight now. Sometimes the gears of history turn and crush those beneath it. And this time we’re helping crush people beneath those gears. Its all fucked.


There is no way an evacuation is happening. They will use all these weapons on an area in which civilians cannot escape.

There is no total military control after the 7th. Rockets are still being fired. This is the definition of out of control.
