
BasementParty [none/use name]

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A wasp stung me once 10 years ago so I now murder all wasps’ nests I see on sight.

Shouldn’t have fucked with the insect equivalent of an eldritch god with the power to wipe out your entire colony with a spray can.


I’d do it regularly but so much of the time I spent in the centers was just waiting around doing nothing. Even though the process only took an hour or so, you had to wait 2-3 just to sit down in the chair. $80 for 4 hours is still worth it but only just barely since you can only do it twice a week.

It kinda bills itself as a “Quick in and out deal to get some spending money” but it’s closer to an entire half-day of waiting/donating and then feeling kinda tired for the rest of it.


I was like 13 and I wanted to be more adult. Couldn’t finish the first cup, after a week I was able to choke it down, by 2 weeks I thought it was okay, by a month I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Sure, the ego is more or less a social appendage used by the brain in order to fulfill instinct and other drives. In the same way that our arms are merely instructed to move by electrical impulses, the ego is merely instructed to want/do things by the unconscious mind. You don’t decide to eat, your brain increases the hormone Ghrelin and the ego carries it out. While it gets more complicated, this is also the reason people love, strive for greatness, and participate in altruistic behavior. If the ego isn’t aware of where its desires come from, then it is powerless to distinguish between itself and those desires. Thus, it becomes no more sentient than an insect or a plant.

This isn’t to say that the ego is destined to be a mere slave. The ego can override the desires of the unconscious but only if it is aware of the boundaries between them. Similarly, being unaware is not a moral judgment. You can be a morally righteous person and still not understand how the mind is structured.


I guess I don’t really understand what your discomfort stems from. Most marriages in human history have been about convenience and economic necessity as opposed to love. It was nice if you got along with your spouse but that was never the main reason. At worst, your parents’ marriage is on the lower end of the average human experience with marriage.

If you want an existential reason for your existence then you probably won’t find one. Human beings aren’t really sentient in the way they think they are. Most humans are driven by instinct in the same way that an insect is. What we consider the ego is merely the social organ that the brain uses to navigate interpersonal relations.


The show is really good actually and the animation is cool as well. It’s basically one long love letter to early internet animation so if you know you know.

But the creators do have a right-wing cultural slant that shows up in their work. I don’t support that of course.


The only place I can bike around town is my small suburb. There is literally no way to get onto a sidewalk without driving a car. At that point, I may as well just drive to my destination directly.
