Borderline personality disorder. Born:1970. He/him. Love cats. Punch fascists daily. Dutch. Sorry not sorry but anime sucks as an art form.
Ah another fan of the low case letter t.
We used to joke in the 80’s that you needed 2 ZX’s. So you could at least use them as snowshoes. C64 fanboi ftw :).
Oh trying to extort money again? They already threatened to go away a few years ago and the Dutch government folded like the losers they are and promised money (invested in infrastructure). And now they want to leave again? Yo jackass I can see ASML building No 1 from my bedroom would be a shame if something would happen to it.
Oh no, so what’s for dinner tonight?
RT as a source? Fucking idiot
“Many HPV types are carcinogenic. About twelve HPV types (including types 16, 18, 31, and 45) are called “high-risk” types because persistent infection has been linked to cancer of the oropharynx,[3] larynx, vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, and anus.”
So no, men can also be fucked over by HPV.