I’m a vegetarian and also native. Humans have this weird hubris where they think they’re not part of the natural world. Humans are designed to be omnivores, meat jumpstarted our evolution. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with eating meat, but what’s wrong is the ease and disregard for meat and the animals that provide it through the factory farming industry.
But at the end of the day there’s no more wrong with a person eating meat, than with that Hawk eating a mouse. We’re part of the circle. We just have the privilege to live in a time and place where not eating meat is a realistic choice
Mexican joker
The mood and anger here is starting to feel like Reddit recently and now I know why
I spent over 25 years brainwashed and living in an evangelical community. I saw many a Christian doing evil in my time in the church and the teaching itself were insidious and low key bigotry disguised with bullshit love. It’s all a cult. I’m glad I got out, I know and suffered plenty enough to have an opinion, even if you want me to stay silent cause it makes you mad.
I’m sure Jesus loves your language lol
The problem I found with the American left this past year as an outsider looking in, is that they all splintered into groups and started seeing the other group on the left as “just as bad as trump”, nobody was “left” enough to be an ally for anyone’s rigid tastes. The left fought among itself for labels, while the conservatives on the right were united.
I understand a lot of it for the younger left had to do with gaza but to anyone else, it’s clear Netanyahu and Musk and other oligarchs planned this out and the American left bought it and let Trump win.
All you can do is unify and strengthen and cut out fascists and fix your country, stop trying to be world police if you can’t even fix yourself.
Bill Gates really doesn’t want to get eaten. Remember he is not one of us, he is one of them.