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Voyage en thaïlande, on s éloigne des grands axes touristiques et trouvons un petit restaurant ou l’on peut se poser dans la rue. La carte est en thaï, le serveur ne parle pas anglais, bref, c’est l’aventure !

Les plats ont l’air bon sur les photos, on commande sans vraiment savoir ce qu’on va manger…

… et on ne s’attendait pas à manger aussi pimenté ! On a fait tourner l’un des plats pour savoir qui arriverait à le terminer tellement il brûlait !

C’est un très bon souvenir et un moment dont on rigole encore entre nous !


I’ve also ordered a sofle choc v3 and started to use it, but I didn’t soldered the led or the screens yet. I’m also happy with my keyboard and the delivery was done properly !

As a minor point I’m not sure if the sources for the keyboard have been published yet (the fork in the repo haven’t been updated since a lot of time, and I didn’t found a v3 branch). This is not a problem for me but can be if you have foss vibes.

I’ve also removed the bottom plate because it make the keyboard sound… oddly when you press a key. I have to make some tests with plasstics screws instead of the metal ones given in the kit.

Otherwise, I’m very happy with the keyboard, comming from a typematrix I’ve been able to use it as soon it was flashed !


Thanks all for your comments and answers, I’ve just tests the keyboard and it seems to work pretty fine, I’m really happy, I didn’t expect to get something working directly!

As a reminder, here is the commands I’ve used to get the firmware to copy:

# Install the required compiler
sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi
# Enter in the virtual environment
. ~/.virtualenvs/qmk/bin/activate.fish
# Check the keyboard
qmk list-keyboards | grep sofle
# Check the keymaps
qmk list-keymaps -kb sofle_choc
# Compile
qmk flash -kb sofle_choc -km via -e CONVERT_TO=promicro_rp2040