Good. Welcome to the new home. It feels like Reddit 2009.
Russian agent doing the Russian agent things.
Because Vance is a NAZI. It’s pretty straight forward. Good luck Germany.
Because Israel has close ties with Russian oligarchs. And we know why the US voted that way. Trump had his anal vibrator set to max by Vlad to make sure he followed orders.
I lost my 14 year old Reddit mod account. That modded a million plus subreddit. Because I made a joke that McConnell was close to death. Which he is. But they banned me before having to offer me stock options. Cunts.
They simply can charge more for electricity and make a profit if it’s so bad for them to have been installed. This is a massive waste of resources. Just F off MAGA. Go suck more Saudi oil up your arse.
Oh I’m so voting for her again.
So. Can anyone name 10 female college athletes. Since they are so concerned for them.
It’s so nice that FSB bots haven’t infested this federation yet. If this was Reddit. They would be crying about erasing history.