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I am on the right, and yes, he’s right-grifty AF. Always has been. I’m sure my opinions on KR wouldn’t be received well on Lemmy (not that I care too much), but we’re probably in agreement here: …why is this little boy relevant? 🤨 Like why should he be a ‘thing’, years later? He shot some people, that’s it. So what’s the formula here? Go to rally filled with violent criminals while open carrying, shoot people, ???, profit? Not a KR fan by any means.

I was watching some YouTubers & KR was there for some reason, and they were waiting in anticipation “to see which college he’d choose!! 😍” they had 2 hats & he was going to grab one, put one on & I’m just like GUYS…I. Do. Not. Care. I just don’t care. ¯\(°_o)/¯ It was SO strange watching him turn into a celebrity.


Another ready alternative is all the shopping that can be done online, shipped right to your door. It won’t cover everything, but it’s better than nothing.

Not the cheapest, but Public Goods comes to mind. They focus on providing a wide selection of eco-friendly-ish, nature-based home goods. They’re very transparent about their products’ origin, manufacturing/sourcing. Unfortunately, they curate their product reviews, so what you see is mostly praise & little criticism.

49 points

Doesn’t matter. They’re all pretty cheap & there are tricks to getting them off. What really will fuck you is they enter in all your vehicle information, they’ll grab your address & everything, and they’ll legally harass & fine the shit out of you.

Everybody involved kinda sucks. None of this is okay. I think it’s pretty fucking stupid, to pay for parking, to pay parking tickets. BUT: the alternative to all these cute little boots & wasting your time, money is they physically yoink your car & impound it in a towyard. Which is annoying AF. So instead they boot it & hope you’re a decent, normal person that doesn’t crack car boots.

…so if you find your car booted, unless you want to encourage them towing away vehicles all willy-nilly…just pay the stupid fine. And try not to park in pay lots in the future.


A few points to be had: we are (probably) arguing about viability in two very, very different worlds. I am predominantly small-town & country. Somebody from Chicago referred to our one big city as a “small city”, lol. So for where I live and our lifestyle, pay lots are frustrating AF. Dumb AF. By & large unnecessary. Hell I only know of a few in the area. My experience with pay-lots is when I visit larger cities like Chicago, I think Nashville at one point.

Now I can see how people that live & work in a bigger city, land usage is at a ridiculous premium. You’re all living on top of each other. Big, empty, free parking lots would be a waste & headache. I can see city dwellers, more used to the nonsense, maybe with a streamlined process to park & pay (passes & whatnot) can benefit. I’m all for helping the taxpayers.

Pay-lots are just a part of somebody else’s life that I don’t have to (and do not want to) deal with. But I say…respect the car boot, pay the fines, because the alternative is worse for all of us.


Like…I get it…but at the same time, they’re young, taut, and hot. Just let these beautifully sculpted human beings have sex with each other? Let them enjoy this one life that we have? Give them some birth control & leave them be. What fucking jealous, irrational prudes. 🙄

I hope they have all kinds of crazy sex, just because they can.


The Virgin


I just removed that in my Google Messages app today. And just now in SwiftKey. I guess it came packaged in an update. It’s annoying, I never asked for it, just one day it started suggesting them in the autocorrect. Dumb.


It’s about the battery, nerd. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
