Do we have a Soviet counterpart in the comics/movies?
There should be a game on the back - find hidden fascist insignia in the picture or something like that 😆
– I just found out that someone posted similar idea in a different post before me. I guess it’s just too obvious.
I find this heartbreaking and remember shedding a few tears when I found out, which strangely didn’t happen for any celebrity, musician or a public figure.
I feel respect and personal gratitude for this man’s work and I would really like to have him around in a good health. I just hope he gets proper care and it would be nice to know if the family needs any financial support, I’m sure many people would like to help if that’s the case.
(down)vote harder libs 😆
Imagine how depressing it is to think that capitalism is the peak of humanity achievements.
This guy looks like serious business.