I’ve reported Nazis, violent threats, and literal child pornography on Instagram that then told me it didn’t go against their guidelines.
Even if this image were real, and it was provable that it was the biblical Goliath, how in the fuck does that have anything to do with disproving evolution lol
Oh sorry we’re going to have to triple your rates. What? No not for anyone else just you. Nothing to do with your feedback though, we value that!
Who starts with the center of a puzzle, that’s just psycho
Little Fortran walks into the living room.
“Mom, dad. I have something important I need to tell you, but I’m scared you’ll be mad at me”
“We’ll still love you no matter what honey.”
“OK, I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I need to come out and say it. Mom and dad, I’m a frontend developer”
“WHAT we will not tolerate that sort of degeneracy in this house young man! Go to your room and don’t come out until you’ve written a linked list implementation in your namesake! And no more talk of this front end stuff”
Like I can see what’s supposed to be the old woman but its never been much of a trick unless you think old people look like Yubaba from spirited away.
“Hacked by AI” fucking lol
All this does is infuriate actual users trying to use your site. Content thieves will just download it via a script or curl and you won’t be able to do anything about it.
Owning a dog bred for its lack of remorse when fighting and huge muscles is a winning combo for a Darwin award.