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only now? to me most social media platforms were shitty to begin with, or had become shitty long before.

I feel this is a matter of perspective. The average Joe whose concept of “social media” is Facebook probably has never noticed anything getting any worse. The mainstream users who just want to see funny pics and couldn’t care less about 3rd party clients might actually be quicker to side with Reddit than with the protesters.

Twitter has never been attractive to me. Even back when its API was public (ancient history). Not only is their feed noisy and of poor quality, constantly swayed by “trending” stuff I don’t care about, it also has always had you depend on a privative and closed source walled guarden. Things were much more open before twitter, when people used blogs to post their stuff instead.

Reddit might have been a bit more open once… but it stopped being so long ago, this is not a change in behavior. Maybe this is an unpopular thing to say, but I’m actually glad this is happening. I think the API fiasco might be an overall good thing if it helps people get away from Reddit, and if so I hope Reddit does not backtrack.


Bioreactors are much less efficient at producing meat than their biological equivalents. They are essentially huge buckets of liquid with nutrients without proper heart/lungs, circulatory/respiratory system that can evenly distribute oxygen and remove CO2, so you need to be constantly shaking and mixing… which doesn’t help with the heat that the reactions produce. You need to keep a constant temperature… and you also don’t have an immune system to protect from bacterial growth that could contaminate the whole batch.

This is much more expensive, more risky for health and less environmentally friendly than naturally grown meat. Natural biological organisms have evolved across millenia to be extremelly efficient at what they do. You just can’t compete using current tech.

I don’t think we would be able to get a cheap sustainable alternative to traditional meat without essentially replicating the way animals grow. And at that point, I wonder if killing an artificially designed animal is any better.

Personally, i think protein from breeding maggots is the more realistic and sustainable source of meat at the moment… starting from a simple lifeform and adapting it is likely more viable.


Note that the subreddit will not disappear. All this means is that the actual Minecraft devs will no longer be using it for official announcements / collect feedback (that’s why the “thanks for the feedback”). Instead now they ask people to use the existing feedback channels.

It might affect the IPO if this happens more generally or causes a trend, but I don’t think it’s such a big deal. It’s not like they are sunsetting the subreddit. And even if they did, the reddit admins can simply mark the channel as abandoned and allow for new mods to take it over. So the community there will most likely continue as it was. I bet most people didn’t even know the official devs were there.


Or simply query the API from an existing instance, like third party clients do. Though I suppose then it’d have to account for rate limits.


It also depends about what specific topic we are talking about.

In many places in Europe, being a social democrat when it comes to economy (like Bernie) might be considered pretty moderate. But then certain attitudes about non-binary pronouns or supporting special considerations for specific groups of people, are seen closer to “far left”.

You don’t see the amount of virtue signaling in Europe that you see in USA media productions, for example.


I dont think i want that kind of content. Quite the opposite, this is the reason i chose the fediverse.

That’s your personal preference. What you call spam others may call content. I expect if your favorite personality / organization / news-provider joined Threads and started posting content there that you don’t consider “spam” then it being in Threads would be an annoyance.

I believe kbin doesn’t have it yet, but some fediverse platforms offer the option to block a particular instance from your feed without limiting everyone else. So that would be an alternative. Even if by default it added Threads in the blocklist of everyone.

I expect you do see some value on federation (seeing how you seem to be participating in some communities beyond your home instance), so I think the question “why would anyone sign up if they can just use Threads” would answer itself if you don’t assume everyone shares your preference.

And it’s perfectly fine if those people turned away by the fediverse don’t join. Personally, I don’t think we should be trying to get everyone to join at all costs or anything like that.


Note that what the EU is requesting is for OpenAI to disclose information, nobody says (yet?) that they can’t use copyrighted material, what they are asking is for OpenAI to be transparent with sharing the training method, and what material is being used.

The problem seems to be that OpenAI doesn’t want to be “Open” anymore.

In March, Open AI co-founder Ilya Sutskever told The Verge that the company had been wrong to disclose so much in the past, and that keeping information like training methods and data sources secret was necessary to stop its work being copied by rivals.

Of couse, disclosing openly what materials are being used for training might leave them open for lawsuits, but whether or not it’s legal to use copyrighted material for training is something that is still in the air, so it’s a risk either way, whether they disclose it or not.


If you can give some vague prompts to the model to obtain something that is close enough to a significant chunk of the work that, had it been written by a human, was susceptible of being considered plagiarism… then I’d say the same laws protecting from plagiarism should operate there.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s really stored there in some form or not (in fact, it’s probably ok for to store copyrighted material in a private server as long as it’s lawfully obtained), but whether the output that is being distributed to third parties is violating the license of the work or not.

1 point

Appeasing to “most people” would be more of a “democracy” (majority rule) than a “fiefdom”.
It actually might be a good idea to organize some votes in the platform to decide on things like this.


would the client know which one of those three communities is the “main” and which other two should be filtered away.

Imho, it should not “filter away” any of the entries. But rather merge all in the same “meta-post” (or whichever term is chosen). Show those posts a bit differently by aggregating the authors (with a clickable “…” ellipsis if the list is too long but that allows to show them if wanted), and when viewing the content either aggregate the comment threads or maybe add tabs to alternate between instances.
