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Licensed Shitposter
0 posts • 32 comments

My life in the depths of the internet has been long and tiring. My free-time profession as a professional shitposter didn’t make it any easier. Quite contrary. The hate and discrimination against my guild has always been a hard fight, but in retroperspective, it has been worth it.

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The rest of the world laughs at your irrational, emotion driven bullshit.

There are only 2 genders. Male and female. Everything else is a biological defect and can be identified as either one in most cases. I don’t know of any defect so severe, that a genetic test would fail to identify the gender.

All those arguments fail the moment we look at animals. I see no serious scientist claiming there are multiple genders in Elephants.

If you cut off a penis and supply hormones, you just fuck up a perfectly healthy being. And that’s ok. I don’t care what people do privately. Actually I support you. Plastic surgery is expensive and you have to pay taxes on these costs. So I profit from everyone taking hormone drugs and modify their bodies in a way unintended by nature.

BUT I don’t want your ideology forced onto me. You live your life, and let me live mine without trying to influence it.


Here in Germany it is forbidden to perform the Hitler Gruß. But I don’t care if people do. I think people are allowed to make Clowns of themselves. Harming another being for their political viewpoints is wrong and illegal though.

Todays Right in Germany, and I am also a far right person in Germany, is much more obsessed with economical dangers of left wing politics and immigration, than with actual ideology from another century.

You Ameritards (as many of us like to call you for your emotional behaviour from both political sides), should stop copying from us Europeans. National Socialism and Communism was born here in Europe and it failed. Why would you want to try it out yourself? That’s cultural appropriation 🤡 (sorry I couldn’t resist. The first time I heard of cultural appropriation, I was sure it was made up, or part of some Comedy).


Germany and France is the better duo.

Most people don’t know. But there is literally just one baguette between the next War for the Alsace.


“Ultra right” with “balanced opinions” wasn’t that what you said lmao.

Oh right. So we already met.

Why the fuck would you assume you are the only European on here.

Your name is yobama. And you act like an American. Seemingly perceiving politics as a war with 2 fronts. And with the goal of annihilation.

You wrote something about your wife in another comment. Maybe you should spend more time with her, than to wage a political war in the internet.


Is the next question going to be if Europe is a country?


In German Folklore, the rainbow is an indicator for where a leprechaun has hidden a pot of gold.

Furthermore it is also the bridge to Asgard, the Bifröst, in ancient Nordic mythology.

In science it is indeed a visual representation, that white light consists of many electromagnetic spectrums.

And in todays day and age it now it stands for gay. 😒

Hitler stole a Hindi symbol. And the gays stole the rainbow 🌈


Cmon yobama. You need this as much as we do. Why else would you still be here? This is one of the few instances where you can be edgy without any concerns of being banned.

And I believe that such a place is quite important.
