There is nothing limiting it to two parties. honestly its first past the post that is more of an issue.
I hate when articles like this use words like controversy. There is no controversy when someone just makes up that a standard thing is now an issue.
Now ladies and gentlemen I will astound you with demonstration of my mighty mystical methods. Right before your very eyes I will make this gold disappear. Not just to your eyes, not just to thin air, but such that it will only be a logical concept of worth. One, two, three…
Wasn’t the server an actual private server she had setup whereas this is a corporate app that is supposedly private if they are not lying and accessing the data. I mean this is way wore unless they put up a server to run the chat software.
Did it have a bible again?
Its crazy that the republicans even at this point is not impeaching him. He has definitively ignored a court order. The only lever left is impeachment to retain our system.
ugh. local news had an item about a tesla being vandalized with antisemitic hate or something. Its because a nazi sticker was put on it. we all know that the person was not putting it on as some sort of pro nazi, anti jewish thing. its because of the musk nazi. he was just labeling the car with what it was.