I am a huge asocial nerd that lives in a hovel surrounded by vintage computers.
I assume for that to happen, a significant portion of the American political system would be in trouble. It’s not so much that Trump is some unique phenomenon, it’s more like he’s not subtle about it. We’re being screwed every day by the leader class, they’re just quiet enough about it that most people go back to their NASCAR and high-fructose corn syrup snacks.
Peace, democracy, and freedom.
I just don’t understand how they jumped from version 7 to 24 …
Geez, did Tesla make the floor too?
These people are incompetent on a scale barely understandable.
I did: “how do you get computer viruses”
Answer: “Computer viruses can be spread via email, with some even capable of hijacking email software to spread themselves. Others may attach to legitimate software, within software packs, or infect code, and other viruses can be downloaded from compromised application stores and infected code repositories.”
Try it yourself. No mention of Windows 7, all about USERS INSTALLING THEM.