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I am a student at Computer Science and I have too many photos of my cat. (I’m a guy, god… I need a girlfriend… -_-)

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I went a bit far from the main subject, what I meant with “He doesn’t feel it that much” is that it’s not enough of pain for him, and SpaceX will be his saving grace to preserve his power. I should have been more precise

Edit: Plus, I was wrong, I should have researched it a bit more. Thanks for the info


So what you are telling me, is that 37% of what he made till 2022 is from Tesla, yes, that is true, but if it fell from 75% to 37% in just 2 years and it most likely fell again till 2024, that amount has to been shrinking due to a larger summ of money coming from another investment with a bigger amount of shares. SpaceX started gaining more money with the starlink project and the governmental contracts, around 2019-2020 and who has the most shares in that company? Is Elon, today his wealth is not coming that much from Tesla, he still made money from it, but we are debating small stuff to what SpaceX represents to him.


No, it actually ~13% while on SpaceX being the owner he has a share of ~42%


The funny thing is, he doesn’t even feel it that much. His ownership of Tesla is peanuts compared to SpaceX, where the contracts with the government are. Just some food for taught 🤔


I’m happy to hear it. My first experience with Linux was Steam OS on the steam deck for one year. At first, I didn’t get technical with it, but some time after I bought it, I started tinkering with the desktop environment and loved it. FF to recently, I had Bazzite. It was amazing, but it was a pain with the non-imutability of the system, then moved to Fedora KDE Plasma, and I love it. A very big plus for me on Linux over Windows is that I can play very, very old games on Linux, thanks to wine.


It’s true, I know from experience that running Linux on old SP’s is not easy, I also have an SP5 and I installed Linux on it, it took me a long time, time that not many people are willing to give just to experiment with stuff. What I can say about it is that it’s working amazingly well, after I installed the Surface kernel… my pen works ok, the touch is weird, you can’t press with the tip of the finger, due to how it reads touches, but it’s a work in progress. Now, I use an SP8 with Fedora KDE for university, which works great. It took me just a few hours to install, due to me tinkering before with the SP5.

In my opinion, you should give it a try on a virtual machine, just to try it before installing it directly, and just give it another go. KDE came a long, long way now. It’s not perfect, but it works very well.


Yes, it’s known that it is possible to do that, but Windows 11 has TPU 2.0 requirements for a reason. As they say, it’s for security. In my opinion, if you have to jump through so many hoops and loops to use a damn OS, just to use it as a home desktop or to use old tech, just move to Linux. You have Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora KDE, Steam OS (not yet fully out), and many more. For a beginner who came from Windoes, I recommend Linux Mint. If you already have a Steam deck, for example, I recommend Bazzite (it’s non-imutable) or Fedora KDE Plasma.

Edit: Sorry if I came out harsh, I didn’t mean to sound like that, I just feel frustrated at how shit Windoes has turned in too


In fact, I do find myself in the sentence, I tinker with all types of stuff, I wouldn’t have tried all of this if I didn’t also like it. I could always be comfortable and stay with Windows, but Linux is fun and and it teaches me a lot about operating systems and networking. Thanks for your words, now I think I will try going with Arch, I decided.


I’ve never used NexOS. I’m a beginner with Linux, started with the steam deck, fell in love with it, tried bazzite on my main pc, hated the non-imutability of the os and then went to Fedora KDE Plasma, and I love it, everything is just easy to use. But I was thinking of trying Arch KDE. (SomeOrdinaryGamer made a video recently with Arch, and it intrigued me)


Thanks for the response, I’ve been tinkering, and before I read your message, I already started configuring the kernel for the surface. Now I am calibrating the touch. Sometimes, I wished I had something else than the surface, preferably something with an AMD processor… life would be a lot easier…
