You are all getting portable incineration in car free of charge and you complain?! Some people are impossible to please!
I have severe arachnophobia, i can’t kill spiders i am too afraid of them. But my cat is a ruthless killer and never fails to make them dissappear.
I am not an irritable person, but the ending of the whale Made me get up from my seat and yell “OH COME ON!” To the screen; Frustrating, corny , manipulative misery porn.
I agree with the Dune movies and in particular I think I don’t like Denis Villeneuve; He takes a cute sci fi short story like “stories of your life” and turns it into a very self important dull thing. Then he takes a Novel about flying through space with drugs and doing guerriilla warfare while riding sand worms and it all feels so somber and rigid. Man has no fun in him.
Ai is a waste of time for me; I don’t want it on my phone , I don’t want it on my computer and I block it every time I have the chance. But I might be old fashioned in that I don’t like algorithms recommending anything to me either. I never cared what the all seeing machine has to say.
He has always been a mad grifter, our biggest problem and threat is that now he has more power and won’t think think to use it.
Props to Americans who create these monsters, they rather have their balls in a vice than regulate anything.