

29 posts • 119 comments

Imnecomrade - pronounced “I am any comrade”

Techie, hippie, commie nerd

Direct message

I do not look forward to the precedent this sets as censorship and surveillance will start ramping up. This will likely lead to bans of free and open source tools, encryption, etc., especially if they originate from “enemy” countries or are used to protest against Israel and other Western imperialist projects, in the future.

Hopefully I can start some data hoarding soon.


Just don’t learn to code in community college (unless you plan to transfer to university), just self-educate if you can’t afford university, and learn a different trade to make life easier. Community college coding is good experience as in skills, but school is abysmal, and you’ll be learning everything on your own anyway as community college professors typically half-ass their courses and give the crappiest, contradictory, low-effort assignments and sometimes with little to no reading material, especially online. Make sure to research good practices and common pitfalls as you will not learn this in community college. Also, good luck, as you are competing with thousands and thousands of laid off tech workers. You’ll be lucky to have an entry-level IT contract job with no benefits and no guarantee for future employment.


I’m so burnt out on driving. I hate car-focused infrastructure/transportation. I drive 35+ min to work and 40+ min home. Switching to an electric vehicle (which I can’t afford) doesn’t really help me improve the environment.

The carbon cost of creating electric vehicles is much higher than using a used gas or hybrid car. Slave labor is often used to extract lithium for batteries.

We need public transportation, walkable cities, alternative modes of travelling to work and other places.

If we lived in a socialist society where a labor pool of unemployed people isn’t required to threaten overworked, underpaid, heavily exploited workers, people wouldn’t be desperately looking for work, even if it means they would have to drive 1-2 hours plus in a deindustrialized, hyper-imperialist hellhole. We could allocate workers to work based on proximity and skillset. Win-win for workers, efficiency, and the environment.

Working less hours and more remote work would have a massive impact on the environment, as we have seen during COVID.

I plan to get motorcycle lessons to get a license and buy an electric motorcycle for economical reasons to survive in a capitalist society. My goal is to avoid any “smart” tech where I am forced to use a proprietary phone app with the vehicle (which is unfortunately very common). Funny enough, electric motorcycles don’t count for a tax deduction in the US, but only a select few (mostly) large heavy SUV electric vehicles which are magnitudes worse for the environment. Electric cars just help big car industries, the government doesn’t give a crap about humanity burning alive on this planet.

I’m also nervous about the surveillance tech that has been mandated by the US to be added to vehicles in the coming years (for example (I’m not against anti-drunk and distracted driving prevention tech in vehicles in a socialist society, though, but I believe it wouldn’t be a priority or possibly even necessary if we utilized other measures to prevent traffic deaths magnified by car-focused infrastructure)) as I predict it will be abused by police and the ruling class.

A Chinese EV would potentially be more affordable for me, but of course the US is not going to allow their citizens access to cheaper EVs that will compete against other car manufacturers here, and I don’t believe I have to mention the Cold War 2.0 we are in with China.


PeerTube even has nice features such as being able to share a clip with a start and end time and send it as a url. This is super handy when one wants to share a specific segment of a video without people feeling overwhelmed if the video is long. Open source once again actually making features and not anti-features.

I hope to run a personal PeerTube instance someday in the near future.


Lol, even the stock market sucks. We are in a bust cycle and the stock market has been relatively stagnant unless you are in the elite club profitting off of insider trading and shorting. Stocks have been going down recently due to reduced rate hikes. Most people lose money on the stock market. Biden, his fellow ghouls, and the media are smoking some heavy load of baloney. This is just hella cope.

“Stock market goes up” they win, “housing prices skyrocket” we (the working class) lose

13 points

It’s all the same to Biden. Genocide means nothing to his bloodthirsty eyes. Protecting America’s interest in the Middle East at all costs is all he and the rest of the ruling class care about.

And yet liberals are shocked when people are repulsed and don’t want to vote for this demonic warlord.


Yup, we want a dictatorship of the proletariat.

We are currently under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, and tankies want to flip the table around to have the workers rule for the benefit of humanity instead of the elite depriving the entire population and planet for profit.


I would like to see a federated forum that is like Lemmy, but uses tags instead of communities and unifies discussions from multiple related tags. Perhaps there could be a way for moderators to be assigned to different tags.


Portal 2 | The Part Where He Kills You
