Isn’t that basically why laws need to be put in place ensuring that these high emitting companies (which are mostly from the global north) reduce their carbon emissions? The circumstances are often consequnce of ongoing western exploitation and they will just get worse if nothing is changed because it is not the rich countries which will suffer most from climate change.
That is just a slightly different projection of the hyper intelligent pandimensional beings which we call rats.
Is that actually what you are researching about? How would one make arbitrary photonic waveforms? Can one just use different monochromatic light sources and overlap them with adjusted phase shifts?
I would say both. You need to learn by trying things out, making your own mistakes and finding a style. Then you get input from the outside world on why some peculiar structure make sense or just giving helpful tips. Then you try out more, apply those tips and see what works for you. But you can read as much helpful input as you want, it won’t be any good without you trying to apply it and practice.
Was zur Hölle ist das denn für eine massive Manipulation? Gabs da einen Artikel zu? Die beiden Bilder zeichnen ja ein sehr extremes Bild, ohne irgendeinen Kontext anzugeben. Auch wenn ich mir nicht sicher bin, welcher Kontext diese Verzerrung relativieren würde, sind zwei jpgs für mich auch keine sonderlich zuverlässige Quelle.
That may be true for one particular flight but if all the people who fly only because “the plane is going anyway” stopped, I’m sure that would partially empty those planes enough that airlines would consider reducing the flights’ frequency. But if anyone knows studies/arguments implying the opposite, I’d be very interested to hear them.
Das wird sie jetzt schon, wobei die Diskussion wahrscheinlich erst gestern aufkam, nachdem alle Beteiligten diese Kommentarspalte lasen (sorry für n-tv-Link, war das erstbeste ohne Paywall): Was mich da besonders überrascht ist Marcel Fratzscher, der sich, wenn ih mich richtig erinnere, vor ein paar Jahren bei Jung&naiv noch sehr vehement für die Schuldenbremse ausgesprochen hat.