Storm is right. Rogue’s powers aren’t a disease. Rogue can’t control her powers because of mental health issues. The solution is going to therapy, not taking away her powers.
Imagine you have Tourette’s and can’t stop swearing. Is the cure to Tourette’s to cut your larynx out? No! But that’s effectively what Rogue is asking for in this scene.
Storm is a little bit wrong. There is something wrong with Rogue. But it’s not that she’s a mutant. Storm’s right about that.
I’m not an expert on the psychotherapy of mutants, but in most superhero media (eg Frozen), you have to accept your powers in order to control them. Storm is helping Rogue. Rogue needs to accept that her powers are part of her before she’ll be able to control them
Also, everyone should go listen to The Bright Sessions. It’s a podcast about a psychologist for people with superpowers.
Your phone is a computer.
As a Marxist-Leninist, I didn’t vote for Trump, but I did abstain to let Trump win. I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for Genocide Joe. And look how great it’s turned out, the Democrats have moved massively to the left since the election and they’re moving to arrest Trump!