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LibsEatPoop [any]
117 posts • 285 comments
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His coverage of Kamala, especially the last couple days, has not been just analyzing the “horse race”. I’m not saying he agrees with her policies/actions.

But his coverage has been focused on getting her elected, becuase to him she is good enough while Biden was not. This might even be your position. But where I draw the line, and where it really galls me, is when he lies about her record and views on Palestine.

What was a redline when it came to Biden is just an inconvenient truth to be hidden and ignored until the election.

None of what Squirrel has talked regarding Kamala on Palestine has gotten any coverage on Hasan’s streams. When her views on Palestine come up, in fact, you could be forgiven for assuming she is even pro-Palestine (at least compared to others near her position), if all you do is watch Hasan.


You cannot say the “threads” are good and defend how Hasan has been glazing Kamala the past few days.

I’ll stick to the topic of Palestine: Ever since Biden dropped out, Hasan has consistently talking about how Kamala is good on Palestine. Even before, he talked of how Kamala distanced herself from Biden’s pro-genocide position, bringing up that one clip where she said the word “ceasefire” as if that’s proof.

This is either a lie while he knows the truth that Squirrel has pointed out in multiple threads (more than the two I linked), in which case Hasan is being a grifter liar, hiding the truth from his audience for other domestic considerations.

Or he doesn’t know just how horrible Kamala is on Palestine, in which case he is irresponsible and uninformed, misleading his massive audience like the blind leading the blind. He calls himself a political commentator - it’s his responsibility to be informed on the policies and actions of the Democratic Presidential nominee.

Hasan said how he was not going to vote for Biden because of his pro-genocide actions. Kamala has the same positions, even worse in some cases. Yet Hasan is not pointing those out, either due to his own ignorance or for other reasons. Both are bad.


Counterpoint: my boomers told me it’ll take 30 applications max. And after two weeks of no jobs, they told me to go in person and just start asking for jobs

They also began blaming immigrants despite being immigrants themselves.


Fedora’s nice! I was on it for a long time before switching to a fork called Nobara, which is still just Fedora but with some tweaks for gaming.

I’ve never tried Mint but I know it’s supposed to give a Windows-like appearance. So maybe you’ll be more at home with KDE than GNOME, though both are great.

Another thing to remember is Fedora does minor updates pretty often but it doesn’t force you to update. It’s up to you to choose when to update it. I’m not talking about the full OS upgrade like going from Fedora 39 to Fedora 40 which happens every few months etc. So make sure to just do an update once a week or every coup of weeks or something. The OS will remind you, too so no need to worry.

Also, a big difference is apt-get is gonna change to dnf when you use the terminal to get packages. When you go online to find stuff to find apps to download or commands to run, you’ll need to find the Fedora specific versions or ask for them. A lot provide for both Ubuntu and Fedora but Fedora is smaller than Ubuntu, so you will see some things online that just don’t have any instructions for Fedora. So you’ll have to ask around.

Some resources that might be helpful - the Fedora subreddit and the official forum.

I also found a couple of videos on what to do after installing Fedora. They’re from a few versions ago but the advice seems sound - video 1 + video 2


Self care, I get that lol. I’m glad I get to see a very real world example of online Hindutva fascists not being the majority of India.

Having been away from the country for a while, and my only contact being people who have bought into propaganda + essentially all mainstream media being just govt. mouth pieces, there are very few ways of getting any alternative view. And there is no ability to gauge how popular that alternative view is.

In that context, these results are very relieving. Dont know what it means for the future. He’s still gonna be the PM and BJP will still form the govt (via a coalition). But hopefully there will now be a strong opposition + he will not go down the Hindutva route (but who knows? Maybe he’ll double down. He hasn’t changed as a person).


Me too! Some worrying things in the results but that’s for later. The overwhelming feeling is just relief at the moment. Democracy in India is not dead, which I’m so so glad to have been wrong about.

And it was the classes/castes/religions who were oppressed the most who kicked BJP out of its majority in its supposed strongholds.


You can repeat this a dozen times in this post and I won’t care (I’ll roll my eyes at you, but I won’t care). My point is simple.

If you’re going to organise a protest, at least let there be some fucking sign (I don’t mean a literal sign, just a mention on the website, the posters, the socials, something) that your gonna be shouting “I stand with Hamas” and are proud of Oct 7 out there - so I don’t end up bringing the folks I brought to it.

Ambushing them (and me) like that doesn’t work. It’ll make you feel better and like you pulled one over us, but that’s it. And the next time you organise a protest, the people you blindsided won’t turn up.

[All this assuming you’re genuine and not a fed.]

You can have the kind of radical protest you want - but it has to have the kind of radical protesters you need. Advertising it like a general one, and then pulling shit like this is fed behaviour, and if you can’t see that, then, well…
