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LibsEatPoop [any]
117 posts • 285 comments
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YES. When I studied Rus Lit my prof dedicated a whole lecture to this! With slides! I honestly love this part of Russian literature, it gives it so much character, and anyone who complains about it doesn’t deserve to read it.


It’s not even that. Like, everyone memes on centrists but this take is, somehow, even worse. This dude is saying he literally doesn’t care about what’s happening (genocide) and that if you try to make him care in a way that inconveniences him even a little bit (by blocking a road) he will actively choose to support the side committing the genocide.

I don’t even have words.


Why couldn’t he just be a poster? He’s so good at it. Like, just be a guy who tweets and dunks on people, and everyone will love you. Why you gotta be a fascist.

Hate to see people waste their life doing something their not good at (business, governing, marriage) when they could just spend it tweeting.


Hasan fundraised for Palestine back in October, raising $1.2m (in addition to doing the same for the earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria earlier in the year).

His merch line, unlike that of other online creators, is not only union-made, but goes on to support strike-funds.

He was also the single biggest donor to the Amazon Labor Union, and was introduced (and praised) by Chris Smalls at a union event.

And you have multiple instances of individuals in the real world not only getting inspired to join unions and leftist orgs due to Hasan, but succeeding in creating unions - three examples - Waymo, YDSA, Chipotle - all of which directly cite Hasan.

He’s also, of course, gone to multiple strikes/protests/movements and interviewed organizers from them, like during the SAG-WGA strikes, or just recently when he interviewed the organizers of the Columbia student protests. Everything I’ve listed here is just stuff I remembered and then tried to provide a link for to back up my claims - there’s probably so much I’ve forgotten.

Internet culture and its effect, especially the power of microcelebrity, on the real world is here, my friend, whether you like it or not. Hasan is one of the few people who seems to use it for good, progressive causes. You will find people in the real world who know him.


I’ve just learnt from you and another person that there are cockroaches that fly and…goddamn, nature is scary as fuck. Also, what a story. Cockroaches are a universal human fear.


please be kind to cockroaches, they’re actually fairly clean creatures unlike Mr. WoW Streamer.

You’re probably right. Thought, I’ll admit I’ve always been very afraid of cockroaches. It’s just a very visceral fear I have - I’m more terrified of them than of any other insects, pests etc. I can think of, except maybe worms, but worms are fairly small and slow so they aren’t as big a threat. Snakes too, but snakes aren’t very common where I live, so they get a pass.


He probably doesn’t care. That doesn’t affect him. In the clip he’s reacting to, Hasan is trying to bring attention to literal mass graves that are being dug up in Gaza hospitals where hundreds of Palestinian men, women, and children have been found - after having been executed. And he just cuts Hasan off and says he doesn’t care, he’s going to side against the protesters because how dare they block roads.


Am I wrong or did Bernie himself flip on Israel? Like, I think before the current assault, he was way more open and critical of Israel. Or maybe he was always like this and we - the younger, progressive people he partly energized back in 2016 - just shifted way more to the left than him without even realizing, leaving him behind?

I remember how his position back in Oct-Nov of 2023 came to me as somewhat shocking/disappointing, but I didn’t pay too much attention to it, because I frankly didn’t care what he had to say. It was just more words on Twitter from yet another politician. If he wasn’t going to be an ally, then there was no use paying any attention to him. And I think now he’s trying to pivot along with a bunch of other politicians, in which case, again, he’s not that different from any of them.


I just click “don’t recommend channel” to each and every one of his official and fan uploads. By now, the algorithm has learnt not to show me his shit.
