LupineTroubles [he/him, they/them]
Do not, my friends, become addicted to bad news. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.
Not only is this blatant opportunism by Khamenei to excuse the rampant sexism that Iranian government embodies and seems to use both as a distraction from internal political failures and international pressure but it is also categorically wrong because women’s labor was not in effect something that capitalists entrepreneurs desired collectively to establish. Capitalist class benefits from unpaid labor in general because it reduces the monetization of economy outside of capitalist control which at all levels of chain of production reduces the value of labor. In effect, women entering work force increased labor costs because previously free labor started requiring expense from the pocket of labor which is factored into wage demands. This is something that capitalist class still tries to make into a public expense by socializing its costs to public programs, such as food aid, maternity benefits and other needs that companies still inadequately compensate their employees otherwise.
Since they realized they can get away with sanitizing a genocide through headlines that are meant to manufacture not just consent but also revel in contradiction they have gotten only more audacious with what they try to whitewash. In a way Israeli and American politicians as well as the English media supporting them are themselves deconstructing the narrative they spent so long building because they are so arrogant because of being accustomed to acting with no accountability. They don’t realize how insane this sounds to anyone but the rabid Zionists and entranced Israeli public and American liberals and neocons.
I don’t know what to think if even leftist news would rather believe in something so far-fetched as dirty bombs not to mention the lib or trumpist mass panic about alien or Iranian invasion instead of the banal reality that USA is a full on surveillance state. I guess it’s a bit too boring and we require more excitement now in the ever-escalating stakes environment.
Why are there so few windows and why are they so small? It wouldn’t be terrible housing if there was greenery, few cafes and shops around and the whole thing was more lively but that won’t fly with American zoning laws.