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Threads automatically adds all your instagram follows so for creators they don’t have to try and rebuild their audience on a new platform where as for users they don’t have to find all their friends/family/and creators on a new platform, its just there. There is also the ease of signup, if you have an instagram account you just log in, if you don’t it’s really simple. For Mastodon there’s different servers to pick and then you have to find your favorite creators again and it’s another login to remember.

TLDR people are lazy so go with the option that is easiest for them


They likely coded it all in quickly in a messy fashion that they didn’t think about ways to disable any of the tracking in the EU and that’s why is not available there at launch. While Meta has plenty of software engineers to get jobs like this done the speed they supposedly went to get it done(Being start in January launch in July) likely means things got rushed as it supposedly wasn’t planned to launch till later this year but with twitter imploding Meta wants to get as much of the existing marketshare moved over quickly with instagram being the perfect way to make moving seem easy.


It’s likely also due to the populations living in southern states, another big part of the population in southern states are those who had jobs in the mining industries or people retiring, the biggest things the republicans are pushing are bringing back mining and making sure that people get to keep their money(such as lower taxes) where as democrats are pushing for a cleaner environment(so miners blame them for losing their jobs), and major infrastructure plans that could take a while to pan out(so people retired see that and don’t want higher taxes as they already got their grain and don’t want to pass it on).

This is an over generalization and there is other major factors but these two groups are significant sections that the republicans are appealing to where as democrats aren’t such. Democrats might be able to get big wins if they could campaign on programs to help mine works get new jobs and revitalize the economies in mine towns and maybe some more programs for people that have retired so they feel they are getting more then what they’re putting in.


TBF considering red states want to make my existence illegal and send me to jail for being me(Trans) it does make sense for me to go to a place where I’m not threatened. Pennsylvania is more of a purple state but at least I know they aren’t going to turn on me for some political points.
