

1 posts • 65 comments

Hello! My name is Rykah, call me Mercury if you prefer. I’m into punk (the cultures and the genre) and I’m a multi-media artist. Check out some of my work and my link tree over on Tumblr: https://in-a-field-of-paper-flowers.tumblr.com/about/

Listening to: GanjaWhiteNight x Subtronics - Womp Portal

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Idiot troll. This platform is rife with y’all. It’s become an issue, frankly. Honestly worse about it than Reddit, which is super unexpected. Fact is that solar is one of the best green energy industries that exist. A person using their big money to help it, especially in an INTERNATIONAL manner like this, isn’t a negative. We don’t have a method of free perpetual energy if you didn’t notice, because somebody fucking murdered Nikola Tesla and destroyed his research to this effect. Probably there’s even further people that have tried and been murdered and erased. You can thank capitalism for that, which if you ever bothered to read, you would know I am fully opposed to.


I don’t really think it is especially in comparison to petrochemicals, but hydroelectric dams also isn’t my favorite green energy. They displace too much matter while also reducing the wildlife of the project area for me to feel comfortable with it. I think perhaps there’s further ways water could be used to make electricity that are underestimated or even unknown. I like “old-school” hydroelectrics, watermills. In my opinion this is an example really of individualistic green energy being a better environmental decision on the whole. Such will reduce the damage of our energy needs. Power to the people.


I totally agree that “outside” protestors shouldn’t be considered any kind of reasoning for dismissing a movement. It does imply the movement is bigger than local or territorial lines and therefore should be taken more seriously than not. In regards to anti-national revolutionists, that’s actually a very specific point of pride, and it should be. We are all people regardless of the territorial lines we are forced into. If we can reach outside the scope of the nation, we have in a sense, beaten it. This is why I see internationalism, or as some say, globalism, to be a very important goal for all movements focused on human rights. We are more than just where we are on the Earth. Humanity is a connected species, and in my opinion, that does go beyond just tech and state structures. I feel that reactionary solidarity should not be dismissed, though. Class warfare, for example, has a certain level of necessity for movements against oppression. I do not disagree with oppressing the oppressor. I think it’s a tactic we’ve actually seen too little on the left and perhaps could explain some of the incrementalism we’ve seen so far. I am, however, an accelerationist. Personally, I feel the more I am fought, the more I can fight back - and I do think that’s really important to allow others on the left to utilize too. We must find ways to equal the playing field, and I think literally all forms of solidarity have their roles in that. I think to say we cannot alienate those that alienate us leaves us as the only ones alienated. Those that disregard the use of reactionary solidarity disregard the use of tactics used against us. This is actually a larger philosophical argument of pacifism. I like to call it the batman argument. You’re putting yourself on a moral high-ground that only hampers your effectiveness. The “bad guys” keep going and keep coming because they are not actually stopped. They are not, as some of the more intensive left likes to say, “stomped”. The right-wing stomps, and they also steal from us constantly. We should stomp and steal back, while also using transformative tactics. Never disregard the importance of diversity, not in anything, but especially not in warfare. Honestly, I see this argument against it as dividing the left up more. There are aggressive leftists. They have their right to be, because of self-defense. The right-wing fucking murders us, to say we should not be angry and that such anger somehow makes us weaker… I just simply disagree.


Yo, we can’t even recognize human rights, as a species. Good luck getting anyone to recognize bot rights - especially when those (at least in our current state of tech) directly interfere with human rights.


Yay, Anark. He does great work. I as of so far feel my rage is eternal, however, I believe the “fuel” that drives the stalwart revolutionary is love. Love for our fellow peoples that are being mistreated and abused, love for the people that will be, and love for the people who have tried to make positive impacts in our life or others lives. In my experience, hope is easy to kill in the face of absolute lack of reaction from the world. I personally have no hope. Maybe that’s just the voidpunk in me. I think humanity is definitely going to die horribly before we’ll ever actually crush capitalism. I really believe the capitalists would so much rather us all suffer and die as quickly as possible than for their profits to even just dip in their lifetimes, primarily because of the climate crisis being as it is. It along with AI kinda made me decide we’re just statistically fucked. I fight still for those that I love, because they deserve that fight, even if it has literally no effect (though that’s rather unusual). I believe that is called “an inexorable force” and may be the best way to attain permanent revolution. I think the feeling that there is no hope does actually keep a lot of people from action. Maybe we shouldn’t rely on just it. Further, maybe it is why our anger tends to hurt us more than help us. If our anger is predicated just on our actually making change, it can’t be strong. That’s like… gambling. It depends on an idealized outcome of random variables. If our anger is predicated on already established feelings of love for people that have already been hurt, it seems very unlikely to go anywhere as long as people are still being hurt.


I missed this survey. I find the gender demographics intriguing. I’m unsure why this survey was so very male-dominated. That’s really something to ponder about. Is it an internet issue, or is it something about the ideology itself? Are women in some way being restricted from solarpunk thought? This is phenomena of note in leftism, as well. I find it very perplexing, especially considering the shared goal of equality in these ideologies. I cannot believe women wouldn’t be incredibly attracted to solarpunk, it can quite seriously be summed up with one word: care. If women aren’t at least equal in their interest in the ideology, it seems to me something is very wrong. Thanks for doing the survey though. Nice to see what’s going on in the community, statistically.


Now that is some seriously adorable art. Thanks for sharing. I’m starting work on making my garden. It’s likely going to be a years long project due to the area I’m working with and doing it all myself. I plan to get pictures before and after and post it along with the design sheet and materials. I’m going to try and make it as clean energy as I can, and I’m going to be doing some soil experiments. I’ve also just arrived to this server and am likely going to be starting up some punk communities that need more representation later in the year.


Finally. Jesus fucking christ, took them long enough to do something useful with these sites.


My phone, a cheap Moto, has survived probably around 50 drops and falling into a tub. After years it still holds charge fine and I’ve made and sorted through (probably) hundreds of thousands of files of content with it. My current computer has also survived a lot and lasted longer than more expensive ones I’ve had previously. It’s a cheap HP. I don’t know if this is exactly “solarpunk” but it’s technically low-footprint (comparative to industry standards) just because the tech lasts, even through hardship. I’ve also kept all my old tech and plan to recycle it after I’ve retrieved the data. Recycling is solarpunk, I think. I also have a vibrator that’s lasted years, takes only one triple A battery, still works great. I intend to get rechargeable batteries soon. Battery waste is icky and battery recycling is tricky (because they’re made of such hazardous materials). I’m hoping to get a solar roof installed but that’s gonna take quite a bit of time especially since my country doesn’t exactly have the greatest subsidies for residential solar.


I’m also for community solutions and I don’t oppose this. The rich are unfortunately also part of the world, they should be utilized as much as anybody in this crisis. More so, arguably.
