Just an old retired guy who’s still a leftist.
A perfect example of “give the people what they think they want, and they’ll make something entirely unusable.”
Might want to also mention where Vainthorn is found, for those who need to actually build her.
I don’t understand anyone who runs Dagath without her signature Dorrclave. Free life steal and pure slash to go with all her viral.
Did somebody do a deeper dive than Triburous’ RIFTBOUND?
There are MAYBE two weapons that it’s sensible to use heavy caliber on, and NEITHER should have serration on at the same time.
Coming on three weeks now, and no actual help with this.
main thing I want to say is to point out that Prova rivens are dirt cheap.
Get one and roll it for crit damage. Then slap on [static discharge] and build Kullevo with the Mecha set and you can triple coat everything in the room with damage from his single target kill. (Collective Curse + Mecha Target + Static Discharge) and one more time if you run Melee Influence.
They’re ripe when they turn yellow.
Got my first one this summer from a top I cut off a store bought pineapple maybe years ago. Home grown, from my single example, has a more subtle flavor with hints of vanilla and much less acid.
I take another tack with Wisp’s passive invis, one that recently got much stronger with the changes to damage.
Death from Above Wisp floats about until she finds a group of enemies, then slams down onto them with a Corrupt Charge heavy attack with a Hammer modded for slams. Much death, and then she jumps right back up into the air—and is invisible again. Aero mods, Aerodynamic and an Anti-grav Array Moa make her have silly amounts of hang time.