I’ve played Persona 4 and 5 and am really looking forward to P3 Reloaded but it’s not quite the same enjoyment I found in those games as in the mainline SMT games. Party composition is not as much of a thing in Persona. I’ve seen Etrian Odyssey mentioned a few times before in the Megaten fandom so it seems like something I’d be into. The mainline games I’ve played are Nocturne, SMTIV and SMTV. I’m definitely playing Strange Journey next and then maybe Digital Devil Saga.
I can’t believe no one has mentioned Wildfrost! Just look at the artstyle. It’s incredibly cute but it also has a lot of strategic depth. Right now winning a run in the game is quite hard but in the beta branch they’ve just made it easier to win a normal run while also adding more challenge modifiers for those who want the challenge.
I understand limiting saves to avoid savescumming. Not allowing you to save and quit whenever you want in Funger makes no sense though. I quickly installed a mod for Termina to suspend and resume the game because it’s ridiculous to have to play 3+ hours straight before being allowed to close the game.