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How many cats do you have? Are they overweight? Can you provide more details about your specific situation?

If you have cats vomiting due to eating too much too fast, maybe try slow feeders? There’s also microchip feeders available so that your slower eaters can come back on their own schedule, and it’s more difficult (but not impossible) for other cats to steal their food. And finally, there’s automatic feeders that will dispense food on a schedule. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen anything that combines even two of these into a single product.

In my case, I have 2 resident cats, and frequently foster. My Tabby is a slender grazer, and although he prefers kibble, the vet said he needs to either eat wet food or prescription kibble (urinary). My Void LOVES food and will devour almost anything, and would gladly be a total potato if he could.
I use a microchip feeder for Tabby, and feed him twice per day, leaving the food out for about 2 hours at a time, which seems to be enough time for him to eat enough to maintain his weight. Void currently eats from a basic/standard bowl. He also eats twice per day, and usually finishes his food in less than 5 minutes, but has only vomited when there was an urgent medical condition, so I haven’t actually tried a slow feeder for him yet.


Only the AI generated ones.


Probably not a very practical answer, but I moved to a city known for being full of tech bros, then went to a bunch of general interest meetups organized mostly by tech bros, where I made friends with tech bros, and one of them randomly offered me an invite.


TL;DR: Great to have if you’re looking for less popular content, high quality files, and/or are concerned about copyright notices, but the rules that keep the niche content alive make them less appealing for super popular content.
I randomly made friends IRL about a year ago and got an invite to BTN & PTP. I don’t watch/download a lot of movies, so my account at PTP has lapsed, but I’ve kept my account with BTN.
From my recent searches, BTN tends to have higher quality files and more seeders than public trackers, but since a) I have a seed box, which provides a line of defense against copyright notices, and is only strengthened my my *aars (gets me in & out of the swarm before the studios find it), b) I usually can’t tell the difference in quality from the devices I’m using (and my friends/family most definitely don’t notice/care), c) seed ratio or time doesn’t impact access to public trackers, and d) I prefer to keep public torrents alive, I usually lean towards public trackers, and only use the private trackers for things that are harder to find and/or things I want in high quality.
I still try to seed to a minimum ratio of 3.0 on popular files (public or private), and ∞ for more niche files, but sometimes demand is so low, and I need to move files off of my seed box. While a ratio below 1.0 makes me feel “stuck” no matter where I got the file from, private tracker rules definitely amplify that feeling.


Is that a belly button I see?


Maybe, but I might be busy avoiding responsibilities next week.


Nah, I don’t do things on weekends. Or Mondays. How about the following Tuesday?


I’d love it if I only needed to eat once a day and could focus on having that one meal be really good.

OMAD (one meal a day) or intermittent fasting might be worth trying. There was a good while where I was restricting calories and only eating in the evenings, with a pretty decent morning gym session (60 min weight lifting + 30 min running), and it seemed to work well until COVID lockdowns messed up my routines. I was never hungry during the day unless I ate whatever random junk someone brought to the office.


If you happen to have a Trader Joe’s nearby, I’ve been liking their “Ultra Hydrating Gel Moisturizer”, although sometimes it feels a little too light for winter. I also sometimes use the CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizer, but that one can sometimes leave me feeling kinda greasy after a while. I’m traveling and using a different face wash at the moment, so I don’t know how much of my issues with the CeraVe moisturizer are due to the face wash vs the climate, because I don’t recall it ever feeling greasy back home, but I only started using it a few months ago.
