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Ahhh! I used to love doing puzzles, but have been afraid to even try since my first kitty moved in. How do you keep her from destroying and/or hiding pieces?


Awwww! Kitties who tolerate or, better yet, enjoy belly rubs are the best! I love shoving my face in his belly fluff!


Good news! You can rub your face in his belly fluff with very little risk to your life. I do it pretty regularly. But I do imagine that your cat is a bit more accessible.


It’s possible, but I think in reality, he really just knows how to play the part to get what he wants in the moment. He can be pretty smart when it serves him.


Ha! If you saw how much he eats, you’d know he’s never empty. But then, if you saw how much he still begs for more food, you might be right back at square one. Lol.


Last time I tried Linux was about 10 years ago. I installed multiple different combinations until I found one I liked (I forget which though). I was attending university at the time (chemistry) and had it dual booting so I could switch back to Windows as needed. I really tried, but everything on the Linux side was just so buggy or complicated.
I was using Open Office or something similar, mainly for spreadsheets, and I just kept needing to switch back to Windows so I could spend my time getting the actual work done, rather than trying to figure out how to make the computer work. It was so long ago that I don’t remember the details, but I vaguely remember it repeatedly freezing up on me for relatively simple spreadsheet tasks… the kind of stuff they teach in beginners or maaaaybe intermediate Excel tutorials with 10-50 rows of data.
Eventually, I gave up on trying to do any of my work in Linux and figured I’d come back to it when I had some free time. When I finally had some free time, I decided to wipe the current Linux install and try something else. I had gone through the installation process so many times before that I thought I remembered the steps. Well, I didn’t, and I managed to delete something super critical and couldn’t even boot to Windows anymore. After much trial and error, some kind internet stranger offered to help walk me through it… the only problem was that they were only familiar with Arch (?), so that was the distro we were going to use to get me back up and running. We got it fixed so that my computer dual boots, but I have to supervise the boot process every time since the default boot is Arch, and I’m just not ready to deal with that.
I’ve casually looked a few times to see if I can figure out how to change the boot order, but I’m too scared I’ll end up worse off, so I’ve just left well enough alone since then.

I have an Android phone and rooting it is always the first thing I do, so it hasn’t scared me off tinkering altogether, but I hardly touch a PC outside of work anymore, so there’s just no motivation to try again.


Aww, so precious! I’m a sucker for tabbies, and fostering is so rewarding!

I’d love to connect with other animal foster parents to discuss the ups and downs of fostering, and have created a community at kbin.social/m/fosteranimals


I used to drive a lot, and other than traffic, I enjoyed it, especially when I had a fun little manual. I live in the middle of a city with decent public transportation now, and with all the traffic, driving is only enjoyable if I’m leaving the city. I no longer even own a car, so when I do drive, it’s an unfamiliar vehicle and unfamiliar roads, so the first few hours are pretty stressful. I’ve been considering owning a car again, but I’m fantasizing that full self driving will be a thing by then. Lol.
