Noriega has really been asking for it. Is this surprising?
It’s just another problem with the mechanics of the snap at the end of Avengers: Endgame
You would think the GOP and right wing in the U.S. would have put the main culture war issue behind us after Barack Obama and the Roberts Supreme Court told them it’s all good now… But here we are…
“Please subscribe to continue operating your vehicle”
Multi-Billionaire Warren Buffett said, “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”
Who knew that changing your profile pictures, sharing hashtags, and finding like minded people in your bubble to doompost with to tell eachother youre right doesn’t actually address any real problems. Another way this was described is called the Information–action ratio… Which essentially means “meant to indicate the relationship between a piece of information and what action, if any, a consumer of that information might reasonably be expected to take once learning it”
Back in the day, most news was local which meant that the information you were given could lead to actionable results directly. Now because you have the entire world beamed at you instantly, everyone is bombarded with information where no real action can be taken. This leads to a feeling of helplessness, which in turn causes this cycle of denial and inaction to accelerate. It’s all very much an intended effect of the modern news cycle. Over time it leads to a certain collective numbness towards very real issues and in a way kind of normalizes things by making you forget the past. Just think about the major stories over the past few months and how many of those are largely gone out of the current narrative. This is all by design and based on years of psychological studies and social engineering.
What’s the problem, it seems to be appropriately sized for Little Marco
Starbucks is a company that sells sugar for a lot of money. Who cares what happens to them.
You can’t datamine everyone and sell it off as completely as you can with an app running locally on the device. Browser apps are far less profitable across the board. It’s all about money.