

5 posts • 74 comments
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Go on then, tell me which leftist leaders you think should be upheld.


the strange phenomenon of people idealizing the past, specifically the 50s, and how the people who tend to have a fondness for the 50s tend to b white as back in the day only middle class white people had happy lives in the 50s, anyone else was screwed.

I have an effortpost here that goes into this in some detail (note the comments following that one - I completely forgot about the relevance of the Bonus Army to the subject.) I didn’t touch on the history of Pruitt and Igoe being the subject of military testing in that comment because it was already too long but:



You might also be interested in the work of Alice Malone, which touches on the role of homeownership in relation to the state making concessions to workers and attempting to stifle the groundswell of radicalism:


https://youtu.be/GqIHF-gurlU (also available in your podcast app, search for: Actually Existing Socialism and the episode How the Soviet “Threat” Benefitted Workers in the West.)

One glaring omission from Malone’s article is the quote from none other than William Levitt:

No man who owns his own house and lot can be a communist. He has too much to do.

Although I’ve tried to find the original source for this quote which is attributed to him in ‘On Communism and the Suburban Home’ from 1948 but I couldn’t turn anything up so maybe that’s why it got excluded.

He compared it to when the British and French went to war against an Arab Socialist, I don’t know hat event he was talking about specifically but it was significant enough that we should’ve learned from that experience and not replicate it in Iraq.

I suspect he was referring to Nasser and the Suez Crisis but I could be wrong.


I’d recommend considering using Balabolka as a TTS generator because if you go to Tools > Use online TTS service you can select IBM Watson as the TTS engine (and it bypass the word limit restrictions.)

I think that Michael is my preferred TTS option for Watson but it’s been a while. Whatever the case, Watson is far and away the most listenable TTS that I’ve come across.

Lmk if you want screenshots because the Balabolka UI is a bit clunky.


The past tense is in reference to the historical event, it doesn’t refer to the present state of Finland’s economy.

If someone had a post titled: “How Trump caused a rift within liberalism in the US” the past tense would not imply that Trump no longer exists or that he is no longer a politician, it would simply be referring to the political rift as a historical event.


Then he used Stalin as another example of a leader rewriting history, Stalin rewrote about the USSR’s role in WWII and how the rest of the allies treated the Soviets.

This one is interesting.

So much of the USSR is clouded with poor historical scholarship, especially in the west.

Michael Jabara Carley has written on this, namely 1939: The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II and Silent Conflict: A Hidden History of Early Soviet-Western Relations (both available on LibGen) and Stalin’s Gamble: The Search for Allies against Hitler, 1930-1936. He details how the rest of the Allies treated the USSR. You might be interested in any or all of them.

I wonder what your professor’s take is on this matter.

What are other lies? What happened in:

Spain (the civil war)

I’d be interested in hearing what was discussed in relation to the Spanish Civil War, if he went into any more depth on the subject.

[My textbooks] can all be found on Lilgen very easily so thankfully I didn’t have to spend a dime

Speaking of which, I put an open call out to people here if they need a hand sourcing ebooks of any kind, including textbooks, because I’m pretty handy at tracking them down even when they aren’t available on LibGen and Zlibrary. Hit me up if you’re ever trying to find an ebook.


It’s hilarious that articles are still needing to give a disclaimer after mentioning X that it refers to the site formerly known as Twitter.

If this isn’t proof of a failed rebranding strategy, idk what is.


It’s like I’d color my face blue and someone calls me a racist, discriminating penguins.


It’s strange that this concern for context only ever goes in one direction. Symbolism, like words, develop meaning through their usage.

If I were to say that I ejaculated during intercourse with your wife last night, would you take that to be an insult or would you be dying on that same context hill that the verb to ejaculate used to refer to suddenly making a statement and that intercourse used to refer to having a discussion with someone?

Probably not.

Would you say that the swastika isn’t a Nazi symbol because it originated in Indo-European religious and cultural symbology?

Maybe. I can’t speak for you.

The origin of something doesn’t determine its usage.


Can I offer you some Belgian chocolate [CW: disfigurement, discussions of racism] in these trying times?
