I like it when we get new aliens that look very similar to established aliens. There’s so many species out there, especially in TOS, and early TNG, that are just humans with a silly hat. When we see Mintakans (Vulcans/Romulans), or DS9 Trill (Kriosans), or even Denobulans (Cardassians), it makes me glad to know that evolution does not just make a bunch of different humans with an occasional one off.
It was one of those ones where I had to look up the context. On my first watch I assume Boims said Ronald D. Moore, referencing the TNG/DS9/VOY writer, and “Battlestar Galactica” showrunner. I previously had no idea Piscapo’s holodeck character had a name beyond The Comic, which is what he was called in the script for “The Outrageous Okona”.
I’m going to guess the new problem ensign is one of the Platonians from the TOS episode, “Plato’s Stepchildren”.
Super excited to get more Ryan North LDecks content.
Though I really wish it was Chris Fenoglio doing the art. Fenoglio did the three issue mini, as well as the recent Warp Your Own Way choose your own adventure graphic novel, both with North, and he’s able to pull off the LDecks style flawlessly. Derek Charm is an artist whose work I quite like, and I did enjoy his Shaxs’ Best Day – who doesn’t like Shaxs beating up a Klingon mech? – but his renditions of the characters are a little bit off model.
Still gonna read the heck out of this.
I am very concerned that this episode is going to mess up all the plans I have for the Starbase 80 fan comic I’ve been wanting to do, but never actually will.