I don’t know if the base game is out of print – I just checked a couple different stores, including GF9’s web shop, and it looks like you can still get it – but they did recently announce a Final Frontier collection coming out in 2025, which is going to include every previous expansion, and some new stuff, like the Gorn apparently, as well.
Now now, let’s not be normative about the speed of facial hair growth. Some people take longer filling in their mustache and beards than others, and this could easily be something like 17 days if Boimler has particularly slow and/or sparse facial hair.
I would agree with you, if not for the fact that we’ve already seen Boimler’s facial hair potential in Beardler. Unless that alternate universe iteration of Boimler was using some sort artificial hair growth enhancement, it was naturally quite full, which would indicate to me that prime universe Boimler has that same potential.
The scene of Georgiou being recruited on Qo’noS by Leland was a deleted scene from Disco season one, so canonically, Georgiou wasn’t not running that bar/drug den/brothel in the Orion district. Still, it kinda bumps me that they’re revisiting the idea of her being recruited by S31 while operating some sort of drinking establishment.
Maybe they can delve into Philipa’s backstory about always having wanted to run a little hole in the wall, and just fell into being the despotic emperor of the horniest fascist galactic state.
October 31 Prompt - Alien Cultures
One of my favourite bits from the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG, is in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook where it says that Klingons and Andorians both enjoy playing hockey, since becoming aware of the sport. The accompanying art is spectacular. Unlike this doodle that I just banged out after the trick-or-treaters stopped showing up to the door.