Klingons have had two totally consistent design elements from TOS all the way through Into Darkness that DSC didn’t incorporate. The first is that the majority are fairly hairy, and the second is that their tech is very industrial and bare-bones looking. I can totally buy Klingon factions that stray from either of those things, such as a group that shaves their heads or has more elaborate tech, but the entire species being that way doesn’t work. The facial redesign could have worked, but ultimately the masks were too thick for anyone to emote in and they hindered the acting. Season 2 thinning the masks a bit and adding hair was a huge improvement and showed that the concept could work, but the organic looking tech just doesn’t do it for me at all as the predominant look in the empire.
Overall, I get what they were going for, but they lost what little consistent design language the Klingons had and it just did not work for me at all.
I interpreted that a bit differently, but I definitely see what you mean. I got, “The biobed/M’Benga needs some extra maintenance, but that’s fine since it/he can always be fixed up.” The overall darkness of the episode and the ambiguity of the ending makes that fuzzy, though.
I hope that this is the middle part of a three episode arc, like with Una’s modifications and trial. If there’s a part 3 I think it will end more positively, but we’ll have to wait and see.