You know that scene in Talladega Nights when Ricky Bobby is doing an interview and he’s like “I don’t know what to do with my hands…”. I feel like that scene is her, in life, with everything. Just so fcking awkward and has no sense…of anything… so embarrassing. Not only did she fck on a rock, she lives under one
Just got her hair done yesterday and it already looks like a haystack
She probably doesn’t go into grocery stores anymore because I’ve literally witnessed her be the laughing stock. She was in the wild with her phone propped on the grocery cart and she was walking around, talking to the phone like a lunatic and people were literally looking at her with side eye and laughing at her. As much as she thinks everybody loves her, she’s a joke in this city
“So anyway” is how I really feel about her posts. Especially lately. Grasping at straws these days. Nontent. Boring. Irrelevant
For those of you in Canada. Please be sure to use this weeks Canadian tire flyer as your puppy’s pee pad or in your fire pit 🙄