
YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]

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This kind of success story does not exist outside of the west

This. This is the completely unquestioned propaganda nugget that holds the whole belief system together. Who told you that? Why would you believe that?

Enormous, and economically successful countries like China, just have no immigrants, no refugees, and no social mobility? (not that the US has a ton, there’s a lot of unacknowledged luck involved in this story too)

This story can absolutely happen in other countries. China even has a higher income mobility than the US. And if you look at the statistics, immigrants are actually disproportionately likely to be pulled down into the cycle of poverty that exists in the US, there’s an alternate universe not so different from our own where this dipshit’s parents had the resources to leave Iran, eventually landed in the US, and actually experienced downward mobility not upward, and rather than becoming exploiters themselves, hit a speed bump along the way like a serious injury or foreclosure or god knows what else and instead became destitute low-wage workers, who can’t afford to live in (most of anyhow) CA, send their kid to law school to do unpaid internships, etc.

This person really has not considered that they aren’t the protagonist of real life and most people’s stories don’t look like theirs


College students =/= young people

even looking at just 18-24 it’s like 1/3 of them and not a representative sample, and grad students are an even tinier group of mostly mid-late 20s

College provides (usually) a built in community and likely even a walkable neighborhood, and many opportunities to meet people that the general working public often lack. Didn’t stop apps from becoming popular on campuses, but I feel like it was always destined to be a fad in that context, because the apps suck so much


Obligatory plug for Inventing Reality, from which much of Manufacturing Consent was cribbed (or at least it predated MC by 2 years)

And yes, you do not have to hand it to Al-Qaeda. They are reactionaries. They point out things that liberals conveniently ignore sometimes, especially when they are engaged in anti-colonial struggle, but it’s still in service of their right wing views.


all of life should permanently be inconvenient and dangerous because otherwise the bike-toting commies are going to outlaw going to the less convenient stores that are further away


he’s further down in that thread saying how much better off now iraq and libya are than before they got attacked by the US. And talking down to an iraqi who chimed in to say he’s wrong


What’s really incredible is their ability to say how we are evil propagandists with a straight face when probably 90+% of hexbears never/rarely interact with a single federated post and mostly just shitpost among ourselves


Yeah clearly its the person who doesn’t like cops that’s the problem not the cop rocking up to get drunk armed and uniformed (or if he was there for other reasons, still pretty much fuck that)

If you made people uncomfortable, its either because they’re a bootlicker or just afraid the cop was gonna escalate the situation and for some reason blames you for that (common American response to cop shit tbh. People recognize that how the cops behave is completely unconscionable but still feel the need to victim blame because “you could have just not provoked them” basically)


fuck this is so sad. He’s by far the most influential media person on my life and political thought, and things seemed to be going well for him. I really hope for a speedy recovery but this shit has me down


“nooooo don’t martyr yourself ur so much better off being a goon for hire aiding and abetting genocide”

No cause is worth sacrificing for to these people. Except maybe service of the boot
