/u/completely-ineffable, who founded the sub, and closed the sub a year ago, literally just made a post! That’s all that happened! I’m distantly in touch with that person! Everything is fine! In fact I’d almost be tempted to theorise it was all a dumb ruse to see if you lot turned out to be crazy people!
And it seems to have worked wonders!
Who even put the term “resurrected” in there? It’s one post, followed by a smattering of others including posts bickering about the supposed resurrection! What monstrous goings on are people permitting themselves to imagine?
Giziti was made a mod to take pressure off the modteam, along with David Gerard (who also founded this place). The inference you’re drawing that they’re hostile seems wrong: it’s targeted not at this place but at people using the existence of this place to spam fediverse garble on the subreddit, demanding new rules to link to the fediverse(!)
I would have thought anyone who regularly posted on the sub in the last 7 years or so would be well aware that there were effectively two active moderators, only one of whom - the founder and head mod /u/completely-ineffable - is still on reddit, and who made the first new post (being “The EA Case for Trump”)
Two further moderators were added shortly before the AI reddit fuckaround which spawned this place, with one of them being David Gerard (who formally spawned this place)
A conclusion I am genuinely surprised to see nobody drawing is obvious: a mod just decided to post something, and turned on comments on for the sake of comments. What’s the deal with trying to figure that out as if it’s some kind of high level management decision?
lmao, are you doing a bit? What the fuck could you possibly know, and why didn’t you check the easily checkable history of the sub’s modlist? The fact that you felt compelled to make this up should, frankly, embarrass you away from offering your comments on anything to do with either the sub or this instance at all
But that’s just the thing! Nietzche’s fundamental innovation is to view all of these things: morality, politics, economics, indeed any kind of social or philosophical question through an incredibly narrowly psychological lens. It’s his obsessive persistence in this, and his excessive sensitivity to the deep irrationality in human nature (I hesitate to go with many people in saying “brilliance”, because what’s “brilliance”?), which makes him such a powerful critic of Western culture. For Nietzsche, the entire history of the world is nothing more than the history of individual sick people working out their issues, and generally doing badly.
But Siskind doesn’t have any of that, because he can only think in terms of a shallow combination of overcoming bias and his own unexamined prejudices. Siskind’s problem is that he doesn’t even view the psychological psychologically.
Oh you didn’t know? It’s much better than that. Were it not for /r/badphilosophy, /c/sneerclub simply would not be!
Of course, like the Basilisk herself, we should have had to invent it anyway, but it is with /r/badphilosophy that the soul of /c/sneerclub descends from the heavens to find its place in the grim corporeality down here
Well I’m not really critiquing his writing style. I’m using a reasonably complementary analysis of his writing style to sternly criticise his thought. That means I fundamentally disagree with your own paragraph in praise of his thought, whereas I actually disagree with you that his writing is poor - I think he’s an intelligent and effective writer.
He may have taught you to “manage” your narcissistic parent, that’s not for me to say, but that only means that he’s given you certain instruments which happen to help you deal with your relationship to somebody else’s problem. It actually tells us nothing about whether he genuinely understands that problem, and understanding that problem is both the task that he has set himself and the alleged skill you praise him for.