If you ask me, the point isn’t to not vote for Biden, but rather to show him that’s vote for him isn’t automatic just because the opponent is Trump. Maybe if Biden listened when a lot of people said he was too old and lot people said don’t give Israel weapons used to kill women and children he wouldn’t be in this predicament. It’s funny how the leftists in do the same thing they always do that only works for millionaires work and then get mad at the working class when they don’t vote for them.
I am for sure one of the smaller number of people doing this, but I watch YouTube on my TV using the TV app. As a result I always had to watch ads. I wish I could avoid them. I suppose a could watch from an alternative and then AirPlay it to my TV, but that’s about it.
And the irony is that several people have already said they won’t vote for Biden. If you actually care about preventing Trump from running you would let another candidate run. And maybe, just maybe, don’t support the country that’s currently killing the family members of all the people whose votes you need.
Ok, but the British also shortened television and made it tele. That makes sense because they took part of the word to do it. If you were going to shorten the word mathematics, why wouldn’t it be math, especially when that would follow what you did with television. Why shorten the word and then add the s from the end for no reason?
Liz Cheney wants to act like she’s so altruistic and such a hero, but the fact of the matter is that if she really gave a fuck she would leave the Republican Party. Anything other than that is bullshit lip service. And that’s not to mention all the damage her father did, but I guess I can’t fault her for who her father is.
I don’t understand why people say Maths. Math encompasses every single type of Math. Maths is just wrong.
I’m not saying this isn’t wrong, because I believe it is, but the fact is that if you digitally own anything from video games to music to movies you should understand that it can be taken from you without a moment’s notice. Is it right? Hell no! Will it continue to happen? Hell yes!