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  • A Long December (Counting Crows)

  • Soul Asylum’s cover of Rhinestone Cowboy.

The former is ever relevant, the latter is somehow both a total reimagining of the song and true to the original.

Yeah, I date myself with both of those. Yeah, I was probs in HS for both of them.

That, and Good Riddance / Time of your Life (Greenday). I understand it was supposed to be a sarcastic dig at a woman. But that’s not how audiences largely heard it, and it became the legit, totally unironic anthem of a certain generation that I am abs not a part of.

Also… There’s a completely random punk band no one but me has ever heard of (Ruth Ruth), and their album Laughing Gallery has been by my side at some of my lowest points over the years. Wish I could let 'em know the impact they had in making sure I pushed through some of the worst periods.


Oh, so instead of snoozing, the only option becomes “turn off”? That won’t end well.

Don’t mean to jump on you, and I’m sure that would work for some. But for those who are past that point… Less so.


All the fucking time!

I had a run of several good years where I was able to get out of bed after a few alarms.

Prior to that, and recently, it’s been “automatic behavior” that is damnably difficult to control.

Context, significant sleep disorder here - but setting that aside, you’re not alone.

Stuff I tried and discarded, but that might work for you

  • $friend please call me until I am awake enough to have a conversation

  • Boss, please ping me a ton of times in the AM (requires understanding and/or them to know what’s going on)

  • Alarms all over the damn house .

  • Alarms locked inside of analog safes and other related silliness.

What worked ultimately, was a comb of meds and an amazing partner who helped support me through the various diagnoses, and etc. that came with it.

Sometimes, I still bump it be an hour, but I know that I did it. From where I sit, the idea of having no recollection of the 7:00 that you reset, but waking up for the 7:10, well that sounds likely to degrade going forward - and probably at the worst moment possible.

Last week was positively brutal to me, for a bunch of reasons. As the week wore on, my loving and persistent partner is the only reason I made it to the office. Two things net saved my tail - meds made a real difference once we sorted doses and such, but I would absolutely NOT be a productive professional today if not for my wife.

Some days, she just nudges when she hears the alarm go off. Some days, she has to hit me with a brick to get my attention. Neither is ideal, of course, but a supportive and loving person who is right there and knows how hard to shove you; and what to do when shoving that hard isn’t enough. is life changing.

I know what works for me, open to a chat, might give you some ideas.


There are risks to getting out of bed in the morning, too.

Unions are not by definition in response to untenable conditions - those are certainly the most high profile instances.

Can’t imagine that any worker for Big Three automakers is regretting having joined a union right now.

No reason a future employer would need to know you were involved in organizing, and hardly something HR is going to disclose on a ref check. Setting aside the fact that it’s not legal to ‘blacklist’ that way, would you want to work for a company that did, even by informal word of mouth? It’s just not a thing.


https://archive.ph/xl8qC for those who want to read the article. It says more or less exactly what the headline claims, though.

With long term sickness a driving force behind the rise in people locked out the labour market, a focus of the upcoming statement will be to ensure fewer people are signed off and fall out of the workforce.

The assumption here is that those people don’t need to be off work, and are simply having trouble getting approval to return to work. I find that not only disingenuous, but also offensive. Typical Tory, IOW.


Yep. I have no context for the site it’s found on, so no idea what it’s the time of.


TL;dr - Did you actually just allege ‘crisis actors’ played victim’s families? That’s not just wholly unsupported, it’s also wholly offensive to most people, and certainly to those who have connections to any of the victims.

First, let me state for the record that the entire situation is positively out of control - especially in light of the recent comments from one of Israel’s minor ministers. I don’t disagree that it appears to be headed towards full-blown genocide. I don’t disagree that the folks being killed in Gaza are NOT the ones responsible for the attack, nor connected to the same. We are entirely on the same page there.

What I take exception to, however, is your absolutely unsupported statement regarding ‘planted fake victim families.’ First, because if one is going to make an allegation that inflammatory, one should ensure clarity. Who are you alleging is fake? The victims? Their families? Both?

I make light of the word choice and clarity, not just because it matters, but because I find it exceptionally unlikely that you could support any of the statements your words ‘could’ convey. When some asshole killed numerous children in a school, a certain subset of the population whined about ‘crisis actors’ for some years afterwards. I’ve heard similar allegations in reference to victims of Hurricane Katrina, and even in reference to Uvalde.

All of them are pure garbage, which places your allegation on exceptionally unsteady footing - In the improbable event that you are able to support that allegation, I’ll happily hear out whatever evidence you’re able to present.

Until then, there is no need to peddle conspiracy theories, too-vague allegations, etc.


I call BS - with notable exceptions for a particular omnipresent retail chain whose ToS was recently updated so they could do substantial tracking of your traffic.

A company I work with is wholesale migrating both internal and external accounts to a third-party auth provider in whom I have very little faith. That is a concerning security risk.

Using open wifi hotspots is hardly a best practice in any world, of course, but I’m hard-pressed to believe that it takes precedence over, say, ticking the boxes on NIST CSF or PCI compliance. Or just plain old “shoulder surfing” which has always been a risk in public, but becomes much more concerning given we all have a computer screen in our hand constantly and it’s often full of data useful to someone with ill intent.

They might not get your pw or 2FA codes, but knowing your username is plenty for them to convincingly call you later, pretending to be from the bank. “Now that you’ve changed your pw, the system will send one extra 2FA code to your device as a test. Please read me the code when the text message comes in.”


Right there with ya. This spring, I moved an hour or so north-northwest, though my primary motivation was escaping the political climate I had been in. Expected to get more wintry winters as part of the deal as well. That seems not to be happening, to say the least. We’ll be in the 70s and possibly 80s until at least Thursday, and I don’t hold out much hope for it to cool down meaningfully.


It is when you then use the events you witnessed to testify and roll up the people who were directly and proximately responsible for that nightmare.

I do not think that her participation was so critical to the events as to mean “but for” her actions the plot wouldn’t have existed. I do think that “but for” TFG and Guiliani’s participation, those events never would have happened.

Seems fair to me that she gets a lighter sentence, and the plotters responsible for the entirety of the conspiracy get justice.

Also, she’ll certainly never practice law again when all of this is over. Minor credit blemishes are enough to fail C&F in some places, can’t see a state bar overlooking this.
