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Yeah, it’s the bit where I’ve gotten threats on my life.


Sorry, cited the wrong dictionary I guess. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/social democrats . I’m surprised at Webster disagreeing with everyone else. I figured every dictionary would agree. The dictionaries using my definition are:

Collins, Dictionary.com, Oxford English Dictionary, Brittanica, Cambridge, Wictionary

So I’ve got mud on my face, citing the only source that disagrees with me.

But fine. If it really matters that much to a couple people, then there’s not a term for what I am. I’m not a DemSoc because I don’t realistically think we will achieve complete socialism in my lifetime and I think that’s OK in the short term as long as we improve things, and actually preferable until people actually want socialism. That doesn’t make me a capitalist.


I don’t disagree with anything you said about Biden’s past, but that doesn’t put him categorically anywhere near Trump.

I want a world where Biden represents the Right party I hate. But right now, he’s representing the only party that isn’t making a goal hurting people I love. There are dead people I care about that would be alive if Trump had lost to Hillary in 2016. There are living people I love that would be dead or hurt if Trump had won in 2020. So I call that a marginal victory.

Have you not experienced that? If not, you’re either lucky or isolated or ignorant of causes of things. If so, then how can you let those you love suffer without being angrier at the cause than the guy who is just “not that great”?

My problem isn’t people saying Biden is bad. My problem is people saying he’s as bad as Trump. As a president, he is absolutely fucking not.


Here’s your tinfoil hat. Cure for COVID, alien mind control, AND for intelligence.

other experts like Dr. Malone

A footnote reference in some early mRNA papers. And he wasn’t dismissed for his professional opinions, but for his embrace of full-on conspiracy theories. Then, he promoted hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin after we had conclusive information that it definitely was doing nothing but harm. He claimed without evidence (and known to be false) that the vaccines were causing AIDS!

Show me, show me everyone who got AIDS from the COVID vaccine, please do.

Also, both of your sources are from the CDC, another one of those institutions that has monetary (as well as other) incentives to lie to the public

But the guy who ran a large pharmaceutical company that was pitching a blend of famotidine and hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID is A-O-K in your book and should be trusted without question?

Understand. The people who are discredited over COVID are not discredited for holding controversial professional views, but for going batshit fucking insane across the board. And what few “controversial professional views” they held were so over the top we know have demonstration about their falsehood. There were 12.7 billion pfizer vaccines, but no increase in AIDS whatsoever.

don’t try to present these numbers to me as if they mean anything

I’m quickly learning that facts and truth don’t mean nearly as much as things that agree with your worldview. I see you going all alt-right in other threads. You’re just trolling, and looking like an ass. Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself?

Natural immunity has been shown to be FAR better than VAX immunity… for whose these measures should definitely exist

Since your measurement for a authoritative source is whether it agrees with you, IF you were wrong (you are), what kind of evidence would convince you?

I have numbers from studies ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9828372/) that put vaccine immunity about equal to natural immunity (depending on the specific vaccine), except that boosters are safer than catching COVID again and hybrid immunity (if you do catch COVID and are also vaccinated before or after) is itself much more effective than either alone.

More importantly (same ref), the vaccine is more effective than natural immunity for the severe cases of COVID that lead to hospitalization and death. A vaccinated populace will not crush the hospital and funerary systems like we experienced in 2020. An unvaccinated populace still can.

Viruses are going to spread no matter what, we don’t get to live in bubbles where nothing bad ever happens to us

Correct. Have you always been actively antivax? Got kids? Were they vaccined for smallpox? Measles? You know we basically eradicated most of those illnesses up until the antivax movement got reinvigorated by the COVID crazies?


Who said we’re important to them. You did: “If Trump somehow manages to win 2024 from jail, it’s our fault on the Left that he wins.”

Not our fault for non-voting. Our fault for making undecided voters see Biden as literally the same as Trump. Propagandists are not important to me, but I still oppose them at all costs.

You bet I am. Lesser evilism is a clearly failed strategy

So instead you just lie and pretend the lesser evil is the greater evil? Congrats, you must be young.

I saw where lesser evilism got us with Obama

I would fucking give anything if we had another boring Obama clone win in 2016. I have DACA friends. I have had many people in my life needlessly die or suffer under Trump. I used to follow a religion that George W Bush actively tried to get banned from legal US protections because he didn’t like it. And you’re telling me to my face that you approve of innocent people dying so you can punish Democrats for only giving the 5% of far-left 10% of respect. Tell me that to my face. Tell me you are happy with how things went. Until then, I will point out that Biden did more for the far-left than I ever expected. And he acted with extreme prejudice to protect the people I fucking care about most.

I’m guessing you didn’t have a lot of family or friends directly devastated by Trump’s actions? If so, how can you be so bloody heartless?

I recieve: a hawk candidate

You recieve: a third party vote

Ah yes. Perhaps the Green party. Most heavily funded by the Republicans because it gives them presidencies. I call this “taking the majority hostage”.


So are you or are you not advocating for the murder of Notch? If so, I will oppose you at all costs as I would any extremist. If not, then what exactly are you disagreeing with me about?


Social Democrat is “a supporter or advocate of a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means.”

That’s what a demsoc is. Social democrats support capitalism with social programs.

You should tell Webster they’re wrong. And Wikipedia. And Brittanica.

By their definitions, a Socdem’s insistence on using democracy at all costs is what differentiates between them and demsocs.

By why is it so important for you to insist everyone use your nonstandard definition of the terms? Also, your calling us “succdems” tells me exactly everything I need to know about your permission. If I’m not willing to murder people, I’m less than human to you enough to be given a silly nickname.

“Tankies don’t have a soul and they’re going to kill you first so it’s okay to let the nazis kill them actually” I’m a REAL leftist :D

At this moment, you’re on the wrong side of the “First they came for” poem because you’re the one rejecting the Left.


You have my sympathy. Even when I was actively involved with pro-LGBTQ movements, there were people marching for rights that that didn’t respect bisexuals.


I know, maybe Biden should agree with me on everything. That would be nice. But why should we treat everyone we don’t agree with on everything the same as Trump? Do you **really ** think Trump did that little wrong? Or that Biden did zero things better than Trump?

I’m truly disgusted by this. This black-and-white categorization of anyone who isn’t as Left as Me as “exactly the same as Adolf Hitler”. Trump quite literally preached Fascism and actively campaigned (and acted) on hurting brown people and tearing down the environment for a quick buck. Biden ran on “more middle-of-the-road shit”. They are not the same.


Who said we’re important to them. Are you so willing to let the country go to shit if you don’t get your own way? Trump’s actions killed a lot of people I knew and loved, and permanently devastated the lives of a lot of people who didn’t end up dead. I can’t say the same of Biden.
