

9 posts • 35 comments

Psychiatric Registered Nurse

Love memes and scifi/fantasy.

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Crossposted w/credit! to c/popmemes. C/popmemes is designed as an intermediary to acclimate outsiders to lemmy’s meme culture. Thank you for providing this fabulous specimen!


Utopia has always been a process, never a destination. You will never be able to elect humans that will act in your interests forever. You must stay alert and aware of the happenings around you and constantly advocate for yourself and those who can’t.


Well. There are some jobs that like. Aren’t actually real. Instagram influencers for instance. You don’t need somebody wiggling their ass or abs at you and telling you their favorite cereal flavor if the goal is just to sell decent cereal instead of inventing a bunch of wierdass subflavors based on marvel characters to try and get people to buy shit they don’t actually need for way too much money.


No its more like. I’m not gonna let capitalism lie to me about whether or not I need five different flavors of cinnamon toast crunch (one of which will specifically target my interests / demographics!) to feel fulfilled.

That’s been going on way since the boomers and at least formally since the ww2 generation.

Telling you that you need all of these #options plus an #attractive celebrity to identify with and tell you which flavor to like is waaay older than anyone still alive now.


The ideal storage temperature should be on the bottle but you should also be able to look it up. Lots of things can cause lots of medications to degrade aside from just time, including temperature, moisture, and light (particularly UV). For instance, you’re not supposed to keep most medications in the bathroom even though they often call that a “medicine cabinet” because many people take hot, steamy showers, and both moisture and heat can degrade medications. An NIH paper titled “Medication Storage Appropriateness in US Households” states for Adderall: “Extended-release capsules: Store at 25°C (77°F); excursions permitted to 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F); protect from light.” (So don’t keep it on the windowsill next to your bed either).

If you’re worried about variances in specific binding agents or other parts of the formulation that could vary by manufacturer, call the pharmacy. Ask to speak to the pharmacist on duty about the ideal storage conditions, because they know all kinds of weird shit about the specific ingredients and how to store them (one time I called to ask if there was sorbitol in the liquid medication I was giving a patient because it could explain their diarrhea). It’s also possible, like you mentioned, that you just have some bizarre genetic mutation that makes some normally inert binding or coloring agent interact weirdly with the active ingredient and/or you (the pharmacist wouldn’t be able to figure you being a freak of nature out, but they could try to make sure you don’t get meds from that manufacturer again).

My personal recommendation as a person who went through nursing school (they’re very worried about substance abuse and trafficking) with ADHD meds, is that you save your last medication bottle when you empty it. Keep exactly one pill in it in your bag as a backup for emergencies. The bottle will have your name and birthday and what the pills are so you’re covered for carrying a controlled substance, but you won’t be carrying all your meds around at once to spoil in the heat. As for taking them with food, try keeping some saltines or water crackers around and take 2-4 with the pill to avoid stomach upset.

  • (Also) make sure the bottle matches the pills - most medication bottles (and controlled substance ones specifically) specify what the contents should actually look like and the numbers they should be stamped with so some little shit can’t replace granny’s hip replacement painkillers with vitamins, and an addict can’t carry pills they’re not supposed to have in a bottle for blood pressure pills or something. You mentioned the pills changed, so keep the next bottle that matches the new ones.

They are free to message me! I don’t make much more than will pay for my surgeries but will take any free help I can get. I figured clicking through no-yes-maybe for funsies/shits and gigs on like five things or so was a reasonable thing to ask for the $0 I can afford. If you’ve got the money to actually fund this project, please lmk.


This is it 500%.

They needed to give people something to fight about.

I’m not even sure if I’m trans and I’m already prepping to fight people for my own existence because I know somebody somewhere needs to make my body evil so other people stop asking why they take all the money.

Fighting the moral existence of me and my body are just the next excuse for why you should give somebody who already has more money than God even more power and control (usually in the way of money).

Gotta fight me. How dare I not want to have the tits or uterus that grew on me. And to stop me from doing that you just have to give this other dude more money and more legislative control. You just have to stop asking for fair wages or safe working environments. Give this rando the power to tell you you’re a stupid poor who deserves to toil in pain and misery and he’ll save you from the fact that I just kinda personally don’t like having tiddies.

And the absolute bestest way to tell people I’m evil? Tell them I’ll tell their kids their bodies aren’t evil. Because that’s the truth. If some kid asks me if it’s ok that they don’t wanna have tits I’ll tell them that’s fine. And the ONLY thing worse than my body being evil is me telling your kid it’s ok for their body to be evil too.

It doesn’t matter that I’ll tell them to experiment with non-permanent things first and get their head on straight before they decide their body ain’t right. It doesn’t matter that I’ll ask them to examine their viewpoints on what gender even means before they make that decision. Hell I’d even tell a kid to make sure they’re not mistaking fat-shame for gender dysphoria. I would literally tell them to evaluate any other option before permanent body modification.

But the people telling girls they aren’t skinny enough but also their tits aren’t big enough and boys they aren’t skinny enough but also their muscles aren’t big enough are totally NOT the problem here.


I don’t wash my hands at work to be sterile (most of the time). “Sterile” is different from “clean” in the terms I’m formally educated in. To follow that analogy I just want my info to be “clean.” I want to remove most of the stuff from immediate public access periodically. I utilize other stuff too like periodically changing usernames and whatnot, same as I change an isolation gown or strip and wash my clothes as soon as I get home. None of that guarantees perfect removal of 100% of microbes, and this won’t prevent all people ever from accessing my info. But that’s no reason to never even rinse my digital ass. I just want a digital-ass bidet, not a digital autoclave.


I don’t wash my hands at work to be sterile (most of the time). “Sterile” is different from “clean” in the terms I’m formally educated in. To follow that analogy I just want my info to be “clean.” I want to remove most of the stuff from immediate public access periodically. I utilize other stuff too like periodically changing usernames and whatnot, same as I change an isolation gown or strip and wash my clothes as soon as I get home. None of that guarantees perfect removal of 100% of microbes, and this won’t prevent all people ever from accessing my info. But that’s no reason to never even rinse my digital ass. I just want a digital-ass bidet, not a digital autoclave.


I hear the instantpot was actually a common solution for remote medical facilities before they went under. Any pressure cooker would do though, as I understand it.
