Fighting the surveillance capitalist project.
All things open-source and commie
@BreakDecks @isVeryLoud there not marketing anything they have no incentive to do so just showing off their cool software
@JackbyDev @besbin my personal solution for this is an encrypted 16tb external storage drive I keep in my car. A copy of my server drive is made once a week. not perfect solution but doesn’t require much effort on my part
@thegreenguy @TCB13 yep this exactly I first used gnome on a laptop and the experience is great the gesture support makes all the workspaces and different overviews work perfectly
then I started using it on desktop and it just doesn’t work the same. it feels clunky and far from as smooth.
@JackbyDev in a parking space on the other side of the road from my house, not far but deals with the whole house fire problem
@andrr_464 @Kaped my grandma literally just needs to do some online banking, aka all she needs is a reliable browser. chromeOS is that. it launches chrome without any bloat. it runs on a dead cheap laptop £150 done.
no Hassel no complications works out the box no long term slow down from something like windows it just works.
obviously much of this applies for Linux to and once chromeOS reaches end of life on her laptop I will be putting Linux on there but till then it works
@andrr_464 yep but for my grandparents the out of th3 box expierence matters. like I said once end of life is reached I’ll put mint on it or something
@happyhippo @bankimu but if your not looking to spend 2000+ on a laptop then they don’t offer anything. and the price for their min spec is insane a ryzen 5 8gb or ram and 250gb of storage. no ports, pretty standard display for $1,300 is insane
@PeterPoopshit this has to be a shitpost this person is either extremely stupid or shitposting. windows install takes 15 mins worst case. no trh install is not great because you sit there for 10 minutes hitting no no no but its not hard
@JuxtaposedJaguar @andrr_464 that’s better than most people, j know people who don’t even try remember their passwords and just do forget password everytime